Fri, 27 October 2023
Direct download: Monster_Party_Halloween_Hootenanny_Mike_Mendez.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:10pm PST |
Sun, 15 October 2023
MONSTER PARTY GETS FLOORED! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take on a topic that literally puts a "lift" in their spirits. Push the button for terror, as MONSTER PARTY asks the question, "Is it an... ELEVATOR OR HELLAVATOR?!!!" The elevator is one of the most signifcant inventions of the modern age. But everytime you get on board a car, isn't there always a little voice in the back of your mind that says, "I don't trust this thing." Well, when it comes to a certain sub-genre of genre films, your fears are more than justified. In this episode, we'll discuss the many flavors of horror that the elevator has provided us in film and tevelsion. From satanic scenarios in films like, DEVIL, THE OMEN II, and VAULT OF HORROR, classic moments from THE SHINING, DAWN OF THE DEAD, and BLADE RUNNER, to offbeat entries like WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY, THE LIFT and DR. TERRIBLE'S HOUSE OF HORRIBLE, there seems to be no shortage of ominous "Otis" inspired thrills. We also take a look at real life elevator horror story with connections to the film DARK WATER and the urban legend/creepypasta inspired pastime called, THE ELEVATOR GAME. Uggh! It's enough to make you take the stairs. In fact, for God's sake... TAKE THE STAIRS!