Tue, 22 December 2020
MONSTER PARTY RINGS OUT THIS HORRIBLE YEAR WITH A VIRTUAL RAGER! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, are throwing their seasonal office party, and everyone is invited! Especially... DEMON BOOZE! So break out the girl drinks, eggnog, whiskey sours, and absinthe, because it's time for... THE MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY BASH!!! For this "anything goes" event, we've welcomed back a MONSTER PARTY favorite, and the life of any party. He's an acclaimed comedian, writer, actor, TV host, and filmmaker, who goes by the monstrous moniker of... MARK PITTA! (HOUSESITTER: THE NIGHT THEY SAVED SIEGFRIED'S BRAIN, MARK PITTA & FRIENDS: LIVE AT THE THROCKMORTON THEATER, MORNINGS ON 2, THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO, THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JOHNNY CARSON, DR. KATZ: PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST, TOTALLY HIDDEN VIDEO) HAPPY HOLIDAYS MONSTER PARTIERS! AND 2020... GO F**K YOURSELF!
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Monster_Party_Holiday_Bash_Mark_Pitta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:03pm PST |
Sun, 6 December 2020
IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR... TO BUY STUFF! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, have a some very specific ideas on what Santa should fill his sleigh with. If you enjoyed last year's MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE, prepare to have your bells jingled right off, as we present... THE MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE 2020!!! This season, we've got a brand new selection of stupendous stocking stuffers, guaranteed to please the most persnickety monster kid. Whether you like toys, books, DVDs, art pieces, collectibles, or all the above, MONSTER PARTY has something for you! When it comes to the perfect MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE guest, we feel that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. So, we are proud to welcome back our ex-unpaid intern, who has gone on to start a monster empire of his own. He's a brilliant artist, and the founder of SEA DEMON VINYL... KEVIN SMITH! This has been a tough year, so let's make this year's presents extra awesome! SANTA... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Monster_Party_Holiday_Gift_Guide_2020_Kevin_Smith.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm PST |
Sun, 22 November 2020
SORRY FILM TURKEYS.. NO PARDON FOR YOU THIS YEAR! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, gather 'round the Thanksgiving table once again, to carve up the genre films with the worst reputation. Yes, you survived the TURKEY SHOOT. But can your candied yams handle... TURKEY SHOOT: THE GOBBLING!!!? Just like last year, MONSTER PARTY presents a scenario: You've just finished polishing off your third helping of pumpkin pie, you've crawled into your favorite easy chair, and popped the top button off your pants. Now... what do you watch? All that tryptophan is coursing through your system, and has made you crave a film that's considered a real turkey. But does that rep mean it's actually a bad movie? Let's find out together! Joining us once again is a dear friend of MONSTER PARTY, and creative force of nature! We are proud to welcome back acclaimed writer, director, novelist, actor, and film historian... C. COURTNEY JOYNER! (HAMMER FILMS: THE ULTIMATE COLLECTION, NEMO RISING, SHOTGUN, DOCTOR MORDRID, TRANCERS III. PUPPET MASTER III: TOULON'S REVENGE, PRISON, LURKING FEAR, CLASS OF 1999, FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM) BEHOLD... THE GOBBLING! WHATEVER THAT IS.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Turkey_Shoot_The_Gobbling_C_Courtney_Joyner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm PST |
Sun, 8 November 2020
THE SKULL IS BACK! AND THE MOLD! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to the "Legion" of topics... for it is many! It's... WRATH OF TOPIC FREE FOR ALL!!! Once again, Larry fetches the infamous plastic skull bucket from out of his garage, and fills it with topics. Some are new, but many are leftover from past shows. We shake the skull, pick out a topic, and discuss. It's all coming back now, isn't it? Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we can't physically pick the topics from the skull, so Larry will be doing the honors. Now, we know what you're thinking, "The whole thing is rigged!" Well, don't worry folks. Skull... we'll see you in court! Joining us for another round of skulldiggery, is a longtime friend and benefactor of MONSTER PARTY. He's an actor, producer, voice artist, and the co-founder of BIF BANG POW! TOYS... JASON LENZI! (IN SEARCH OF TOMORROW, WIPEOUT, CANNONBALL, LIFE AFTER FLASH, BANDS REUNITED, BEAT THE GEEKS) NOTE: THIS EPISODE WAS RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 5, 2020. JUST AN FYI!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Wrath_of_Topic_Free_For_All_Jason_Lenzi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:32pm PST |
Fri, 23 October 2020
MONSTER PARTY CELEBRATES AN ALL CHANNELS ALL HALLOW'S EVE! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, ring in their favorite holiday by examining how it is celebrated on non-genre TV shows! It's a petrifying podcast potpourri of prime time panic, simply called... HALLOWEEN TV! This year, forget get about horror friendly TV staples like Night Gallery, The Night Stalker, The X Files, and Supernatural. Prepare yourself for pulse pounding Halloween episodes from such terrifying shows as Happy Days, The Office, The Odd Couple, Starsky And Hutch, The Dick Van Dyke Show, Little House On The Prairie (yeah, you heard us!), M.A.S.H., Mission Impossible, and many, many more! Returning to MONSTER PARTY is a long-time friend of the show, and the man who brought us the epic 4 hour 80's horror documentary, IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS! Please welcome back award-winning writer/producer/filmmaker/magazine editor/blogger... DAVID WEINER! (FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND, IT CAME FROM..., IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS PART I & II, IN SEARCH OF TOMORROW, ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT) HAPPY HALLOWEEN MONSTER PARTIERS! If this one doesn't scare you...then you obviously don't live in a little house on the prairie!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Halloween_TV_David_Weiner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:36pm PST |
Fri, 9 October 2020
MONSTER PARTY IS "GRRRRRRREAT!!! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, chronicle the captivating creativity of corporate cohorts! In a word... MASCOTS!!! Over the years, mascots have been used to promote everything from fast food, breakfast cereal, and electricity; to tires, medicine, and bug spray. And that's only a small list of the items shilled by these often colorful and cartoonish characters. And yes, we know these characters are being to used to manipulate us. But frankly, we don't care! Because of the heartfelt affection we have for mascots, MONSTER PARTY decided to make this a virtual in-house/non-guest affair. So pour yourself a libation, grab a bowl of cereal, and listen to a podcast that stays crunchy... even in vodka. Silly rabbit, MONSTER PARTY is for MONSTER KIDS! |
Tue, 29 September 2020
THESE DAYS... "MONSTER PARTY IS THE WARMEST PLACE TO HIDE!" JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, put on their splash zone ponchos, and brace themselves for the return of an insanely popular topic. It's that one where one of brings up a movie tagline, and the rest of us try to guess what film it's from. But this time, it's a... TAGLINE TIDAL WAVE!!! In the past, we did HORROR TAGLINES, and we did SCI-FI TAGLINES. Now, we widen the net to include every possible genre film to offer a brash, boisterous blurb! HORROR, SCI-FI, EXPLOITATION, FANTASY... you're more than welcome to this party! When something isn't broke, you don't fix it. That's why we're welcoming back a beloved comedian, actor, and podcaster, who made our previous TAGLINE episodes such a success! Let's give out a MONSTER PARTY shriek for... MIKE SCHMIDT! (THE 40 YEAR OLD BOY, NEVER NOT FUNNY, ASYLUM, CHEAP SEATS: WITHOUT RON PARKER, MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE) WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS, "TAGLINE TIDAL WAVE"! ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME WE ALL HAD A POSITIVE DISASTER?
Direct download: Monster_Party_Tagline_Tidal_Wave_Mike_Schmidt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm PST |
Fri, 11 September 2020
MONSTER PARTY GOES TRICK OR TREATING RIDICULOUSLY EARLY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, get a headless start on their favorite holiday. But if we're going to do this special day justice, we need the proper tools. That's why we've packed this episode with what could only be defined as the... HALLOWEEN ESSENTIALS!!! Like every MONSTER PARTY Halloween episode, there'll be talk of costumes, candy, decorations, and unusual personal annecdotes. But when it comes to movies, boy, do we have a treat for you! Joining us for this All Hallows MEGA Eve, is an acclaimed author, horror historian, and a Halloween essential in and of himself. MONSTER PARTY is proud to welcome, for the first time on the show... DAVID J. SKAL! (FRIGHT FAVORITES: 31 MOVIES TO HAUNT YOUR HALLOWEEN AND BEYOND, THE MONSTER SHOW: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF HORROR, DRACULA: A NORTON CRITICAL EDITION, HOLLYWOOD GOTHIC: THE TANGLED WEB OF DRACULA FROM NOVEL TO STAGE TO SCREEN, DEATH MAKES A HOLIDAY: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF HALLOWEEN, A TON OF UNIVERSAL FILM DOCUMENTARIES/COMMENTARIES....AND MORE!!!) IT'S HALLOWEEN IN SEPTEMBER! WHY? BECAUSE WE NEED ONE!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Halloween_Essentials_David_J_Skal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm PST |
Wed, 26 August 2020
IN THIS EPISODE, MONSTER PARTY SUMMONS THE ELDER GODS! AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT THE GUYS LIKE TO CALL THEMSELVES. JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, gather under a gibbous moon, to explore the dark universe of one of literature's most famous, and controversial writers. So pour yourself a stiff brandy, and try to ignore the rats in the walls, as we bring you an episode we simply call... LOVECRAFT!!! The terrifying tales of HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT, have frightened readers for decades. He created a vast pantheon of inter-dimensional creatures, whose names we are warned not to say. Probably because many of them are unpronounceble. But although monstrosities like Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth, and Nyarlathotep are tongue-twisters, they are household names to the lovers of weird fiction. But what about H.P. Lovecraft... the man? In this episode, we will explore the various factors that shaped Lovecraft and his work. We'll discuss his influences, his inner circle of collegues, and the lasting legacy of his writings. But, we'll also shine a light on the more unpleasant aspects of Lovecraft's life. His sheltered upbringing, poor health, troubled relationships, extreme xenophobia, and his racist and anti-semetic views. Maybe you should pour yourself another brandy. Joining us for this excursion into Lovecraftian horror, is an award-winning producer, director, writer, podcaster, and amatuer necromancer. He's a friend of the show, and gave us the definitive H.P. Lovecraft documentary, LOVECRAFT: FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. Please welcome, direct from Miskatonic University... FRANK H. WOODWARD! (FILM SENSE, MEN IN SUITS, DAMN DIRTY GEEKS, WRONG TURN 6: LAST RESORT, BLACK FOREST, FIREQUAKE, BALLOON, PINATA, QUINT IN '58) SO GIVE US A LISTEN! WE'RE SUPER POPULAR IN INNSMOUTH!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Lovecraft_Frank_H_Woodward.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:35pm PST |
Sun, 16 August 2020
MONSTER PARTY GOES CHANNEL SURFING IN DANGEROUS WATERS! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, hypnotically regress to a time when television networks bent over backwards to frighten, shock, and amaze you! Feel free to adjust the rabbit ears of your brain, as we present you with.... TV MOVIE FLASHBACKS!!! The 1970s, 80s, and occasionally the 90s, were a golden age when it came to groundbreaking genre and exploitation "made for TV" movies. At a time when monster kids needed it the most, network television provided a steady diet of ghosts, monsters, murder, witchcraft, dystopian futures, delinquency, substance abuse, and people living behind your walls! Oh, what fun we had! Joining us for this cathode ray reminisce is an acclaimed comedian, musician, and podcaster, who hosts the mega popular show, TV GUIDANCE COUNSELOR! Please welcome our special new friend... KEN REID! (TWICE NOMINATED BOSTON PHOENIX'S "BEST COMEDIAN IN BOSTON", SECRET MENU, EUGENE MIRMAN COMEDY FESTIVAL, THE BRIDGETOWN COMEDY FESTIVAL, THE RIOT LA COMEDY FESTIVAL, THE MEMBER'S LOUNGE, 30 SECONDS OVER TOKYO) Let's celebrate the days when the "The Movie Of The Week", was not for the weak!
Direct download: Monster_Party_TV_Movie_Flashbacks_Ken_Reid.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:58pm PST |
Fri, 31 July 2020
ANOTHER ITEM ON THE MONSTER PARTY BUCKET LIST HAS BEEN FULFILLED! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, get up close and ZOOM personal with a legendary icon of show business! Crack open a bottle of Tranya and please welcome, the one and only... CLINT HOWARD!!! Coming from a distinguished family of actors, CLINT HOWARD has been trodding the boards from the time he was a toddler. Since then, he's appeared in a slew of classic films and TV shows that have brought a smile to MONSTER PARTIERS everywhere! Clint charmed us as the alien sommalier BALOK, in the original STAR TREK series; taught us how to succeed as EAGLEBAUER in ROCK N' ROLL HIGH SCHOOL; and provided satanic tech support as STANLEY COOPERSMITH in EVILSPEAK. In addition to these beloved roles, Clint has lent his talents to THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, GENTLE BEN, NIGHT GALLERY, THREE FROM HELL, SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY, STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE, STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE, STAR TREK: DISCOVERY, ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, MY NAME IS EARL, COMEDY CENTRAL ROAST OF WILLIAM SHATNER, THE CLINT HOWARD VARIETY SHOW, ICE CREAM MAN, CARNOSAUR, TICKS, and an infinity loop MORE! We hope you relish this episode as much as MONSTER PARTY! |
Fri, 17 July 2020
"ANYTHING GOES" KEEPS GOING!!! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, revisit a beloved topic, that's not really a topic. Or is it all topics?!! Once you gather up the bits of your blown mind, settle in for an episode we've decided to call... ANYTHING GOES: THE RECKONING!!! Why "THE RECKONING"? Because we reckoned we needed to have a favorite guest back on the show. She's a hilarious comedian and writer, a talented actor, an accomplished director-producer, and practically MONSTER PARTY family! We are all proud and humbled to welcome back THE GREAT... SUE MURPHY! (CHELSEA LATELY, WANDA AT LARGE, THE ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW, LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN, THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO, EWOKS) Get ready for a discussion that includes curious cocktails, must see movies, over-sexed optical printers, STAR TREK trivialities, Larry's lubricant, a Vasquez van trip, and MORE! STAY SAFE MONSTER PARTIERS!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Anything_Goes_The_Reckoning_Sue_Murphy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm PST |
Sun, 5 July 2020
MONSTER PARTY HANGS OUT WITH MR. DEATH'S BEST FRIEND! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take a journey into fear with a legendary entertainment powerhouse! Brace your shattered nerves for... LARAINE NEWMAN'S HOUSE OF HORROR!!! LARAINE NEWMAN has a resume that seems almost infinite. She's one of the founding members of THE GROUNDLINGS comedy troupe, an original cast member of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, and a versatile voice artist who's worked on such projects as AMERICAN DAD, TALKING TOM AND FRIENDS, DOC MCSTUFFINS, DOROTHY AND THE WIZARD OF OZ, THE EPIC TALES OF CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS, DAWN OF THE CROODS, and literally HUNDREDS more! Laraine has also appeared in number of MONSTER PARTY'S favorite films and TV shows, including TUNNEL VISION, INVADERS FROM MARS, CONEHEADS, PERVERSIONS OF SCIENCE, AMAZING STORIES, and ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS! And in addition to this massive amount of work that comes close to breaking IMBD, LARAINE NEWMAN is a longtime "monster kid"! She loves UNIVERSAL HORROR, FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND, DAVID CRONENBERG, CHRISTOPHER LEE, FANGORIA, THE "ALIEN" SERIES, and one of her favorite films is CALTIKI: THE IMMORTAL MONSTER! We think we're in love! If you don't listen to this episode, your mama eats kitty litter! DEDICATED TO THE LOVING MEMORY OF GARY WEINHOLD
Direct download: Monster_Party_Laraine_Newmans_House_of_Horror.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm PST |
Tue, 23 June 2020
MONSTER PARTY LEGALIZES TANNA LEAVES! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, unwrap a topic they've been threatening to do since the time of Imhotep. These four doomed adventurers have incurred the curse of Karnak, to unseal an episode that you've probably figured out by now is called... MUMMIES!!! Whether a star-crossed stalker, an extra-toxic extraterrestrial, or a cartoon Kharis, mummies have been capturing our imaginations for as long as we've waited for them to catch up with us. Helping us decipher the hidden mysteries in this "Podcast of Thoth," is a long time friend of MONSTER PARTY! He's famed actor, comedian, writer, and mummitologist... DAVE HIGGINS! (THE HIGGINS BOYS & GRUBER, ELLEN, MALCOM IN THE MIDDLE, AMERICAN HORROR STORY, MIKE & MOLLY, STAN AGAINST EVIL, INTERNATIONAL GHOST INVESTIGATORS) DO NOT MISS THIS EPISODE! IT'S A SARCOPHA-GAS!!!! |
Fri, 5 June 2020
IT'S ABOUT TIME... THAT MONSTER PARTY DID ANOTHER EPISODE ABOUT TIME TRAVEL! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, once again break the barriers of the space/time continuum! How they do this, is with a provocatively paradoxical podcast episode called... TIME TRAVEL: TAKE 2!!! Why is this a "Take 2"? Well, when we did our first TIME TRAVEL episode with JAKE JOHANNSEN, LARRY STROTHE was unable to attend, and SHAWN SHERIDAN had to arrive late. Luckily, MATT WEINHOLD'S WIFE, CARRIE, was able to fill in! And, although this episode was extremely entertaining, the episode didn't always entirely focus on time travel. Thus... TIME TRAVEL: TAKE 2! If you're going to attempt to create an alternate timeline episode about time travel, it helps to get the guest from the original timeline. So by traveling back in time, we managed to get celebrated comedian/writer/actor/friend of the show/time traveler... JAKE JOHANNSEN!!! ("JAKE THIS" PODCAST, THE LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN, THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JOHNNY CARSON, LATE NIGHT WITH CONAN O'BRIAN, COMEDY CENTRAL PRESENTS, JAKE JOHANNSEN: I LOVE YOU) We hope you enjoy this episode. But if you don't, travel back in time and fix it! It's the least you could do!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Time_Travel_Take_2_Jake_Johannsen_MUSIC.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:19pm PST |
Sat, 23 May 2020
THE BATTLE OF THE BADASSES IS BACK! JAMES, GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, bring back a time honored MONSTER PARTY favorite! It's a classic school yard game, turned nerd podcast gold, and it's called... WHO WOULD WIN? VOL 5: A NEW BEGINNING!!! In case you never listened to any of our past WHO WOULD WIN? episodes (and if you haven't...really?), the concept is pretty simple. Two fictional characters from the world of sci-fi, horror, and fantasy, walk into a room...and only one leaves. Of course, if it's two giant monsters fighting each other, imagine an extremely large room. To say that the guest we got for this episode was excited about the topic, would be the understatement of the century. He's a five-time EISNER AWARD NOMINATED comic book artist and writer, who has quite the knack for picking a fight. Please welcome, for the first time on MONSTER PARTY... DAN BRERETON! (NOCTURNALS, GIANTKILLER, THE PSYCHO, THE BLACK TERROR, BATMAN: THRILLKILLER, SUPERMAN & BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE WORLD'S FINEST, JLA: SEVEN CASKETS, ROB ZOMBIE: HELLBILLY DELUXE) NOTE: In this episode, we had some occasional sound dropouts, but nothing too egregious. Please send all complaints to: The Elders Of The Internet. Let the ass-kicking comence!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Who_Would_Win_Vol_5_A_New_Beginning_Dan_Brereton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:24pm PST |
Sat, 9 May 2020
MONSTER PARTY GOES OFF THE BEATEN KAIJU! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, know you've heard of GODZILLA and GAMERA. But what about some of the other creatures who never made the kaiju "A List" ? Well, we're all going on a social distancing safari, in search of some of the lesser known monsters to burst forth from Japan. It's a gargantuan gala we're calling... KAIJU OBSCURA!!! Join us as we explore some of the kaiju kraziness that may evaded even the most die hard tokusatsu fans. We're talkin irate idols, selfish cephalopods, super-sized serpents, ramen eating rascals... and MORE! When hunting cult kaiju, you need a guide with an extensive knowledge of these fantastic creatures. Not to mention, an excellent collection of Japanese monster toys! This man was the host of the insanely popular pocast, KAIJUCAST, and has been a long time friend of MONSTER PARTY. Please let out an ear-deafening roar for... KYLE YOUNT! (THE MONSTER REPORT, HAIL TO THE KING: 60 YEARS OF DESTRUCTION, COLLECT ALL MONSTERS) BREAK YOUR AUDIO QUARANTINE, AND TAKE TO VIRTUAL TRIP TO MONSTER ISLAND... WITH MONSTER PARTY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Kaiju_Obscura_Kyle_Yount.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21pm PST |
Sun, 26 April 2020
JOIN THE CULT OF... MONSTER PARTY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take you on a guided tour through the outermost reaches of fantastic cinema. Whether it's considered high brow art, or low brow schlock, there is a certain category of film that almost defies description. Stiffen your wobbly knees for... ATTACK OF THE KILLER CULT FILMS!!! Cult films are an umbrella genre, with sub genres that include horror, science fiction, animation, action, martial arts, comedy, musicals, and erotica. And occasionally... all at the same time! We promised this would be a guided tour, and boy, did we find the ultimate tour guide. He's a prominent film journalist, author, and television host, with an encyclopedic knowledge of film that could rival the most hardcore film addict. Are you listening SHAWN SHERIDAN? MONSTER PARTY is proud to welcome... ED GRANT! (MEDIA FUNHOUSE, THE MOTION PICTURE GUIDE, TV GUIDE, MOVIES ON TV, PSYCHOTRONIC VIDEO, VIDEOSCOPE, GROOVY MOVIES) HOPE ALL YOU MONSTER PARTIERS ARE STAYING SAFE AND HEALTHY! WE'LL GET THROUGH THIS TOGETHER! MUCH LOVE FROM MONSTER PARTY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Attack_of_the_Killer_Cult_Films_Ed_Grant.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:32pm PST |
Fri, 10 April 2020
CURSES! IT'S A NEW EPISODE! OF MONSTER PARTY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, love that hoodoo that you do! And because of that, we are proud to present a truly bewitching episode we've conjured into being called... HEXES, SPELLS, AND CURSES!!! Using the arcane science of ZOOM remote conferencing, the boys are back for another quarantine-busting dose of podcast pandemonium. This time, MONSTER PARTY explores the films and TV shows where magic is used as a weapon! And considering the need for social distancing, what weapon could be more convenient? Joining us for this incantation vacation, is a long time friend of the show, and a certified hexpert! MONSTER PARTY is proud to welcome back, actor/director/producer/writer... MARC HERSHON! (I HATE PEOPLE, SLEEVE TALKERS, MONSTER MAKERS, SANTA JR., WEDDING DAZE, THE CALIFORNIANS, RUCKUS) STAY HEALTHY MONSTER PARTIERS! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Hexes_Spells_And_Curses_Marc_Hershon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:13pm PST |
Sat, 28 March 2020
MONSTER PARTY CAN'T BE STOPPED! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, make social distancing, VERY social! Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, MONSTER PARTY has unfortunately been forced into self quarantine. But, being quarantined doesn't mean the fun has to end. That's why we proudly bring you this CDC compliant episode, entitled... QUARANTINE FUNHOUSE!!! Now that you're all being forced to hole up in your various nerd caves, some of you may be looking for ideas on how to overcome your cabin fever. And FYI, it's not by watching the film, CABIN FEVER. Uggh! With the help of ZOOM remote conferencing, and something we like to call, "pizazz", the MONSTER PARTY gang suggest numerous activities for avoiding monster kid boredom. We could provide you with some examples right here, but then that would spoil some of the white hot excitement this episode has to offer. NOTE: Since we recorded this using ZOOM and headset mics, the sound quality of this podcast is not quite at the level of a typical episode. But despite the technical limitations, we have done our best to bring you all humor, enthusiasm, info, and personal attacks you've come to expect from MONSTER PARTY! STAY HEALTHY MONSTER PARTIERS!
Fri, 13 March 2020
MONSTER PARTY PRESENTS AN EPISODE THAT WILL BE MUSIC TO YOUR EARS! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take a deep dive into a part of movie making that is essential in bringing a film to life. Yes, we've talked about doing this episode for years, but now, the waiting is over! MONSTER PARTY proudly presents... SOUNDTRACKS!!! What would iconic films and TV shows like STAR WARS, STAR TREK, JAWS, DOCTOR WHO, ALIENS, SUSPIRIA, and HALLOWEEN be, without the genius of the composers who scored these classics? MONSTER PARTY examines the careers of such legendary composers as JOHN WILLIAMS, JERRY GOLDSMITH, ENNIO MORRICONE, LALO SCHIFRIN, JAMES HORNER, JOHN CARPENTER, GOBLIN, and a host of others! Guiding our way through all this musical magnificence, is another new guest to MONSTER PARTY. He's celebrated actor, writer, producer, journalist, podcaster, temp track editor, and film music expert... DANIEL SCHWEIGER! (ON THE SCORE, FANGORIA, CINEFANTASTIQUE, STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, THE ADDAMS FAMILY, BUBBA HO TEP, FREE ENTERPRISE, THE LURKING FEAR) Find out more about the exciting world of Daniel Schweiger at Filmmusicmag.com And please, make MONSTER PARTY the soundtrack of your lives!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Soundtracks_Daniel_Schweiger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:53pm PST |
Mon, 2 March 2020
MONSTER PARTY SPENDS SOME QUALITY TIME WITH OUR FICTIONAL FRIENDS! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be friends with your favorite characters from the worlds of science fiction, fantasy, and horror? Well, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, have done just that, in a very special episode entitled... CHARACTERS WE'D LOVE TO HANG WITH!!! Let's all put on our imagination caps, and ponder which of our favorite heroes and villains would be a blast, or a drag. Brace yourself for some volcanic debates over who would be our "besties" (or "beasties") from STAR WARS, STAR TREK, D.C., MARVEL, UNIVERSAL HORROR, LORD OF THE RINGS, CLASSIC SCI-FI, and MORE! Joining us on this journey into imaginary speed friending, is a celebrated director, screenwriter, producer, and podcasting giant! Please welcome for the first time on MONSTER PARTY... JONATHAN LONDON! (GEEKSCAPE, NERD RAGE, FANBOY FUNHOUSE, DOC OF THE DEAD, SINGLEDOM, GAY BY DAWN) ATTENTION MONSTER PARTIERS: For all of you who have joined us on our MONSTER PARTY PATREON adventure, we give you our heartfelt thanks! Which brings us to some exciting news! This episode debuts THE MONSTER PARTY PATREON RAFFLE! Winners will be chosen at the end of each podcast, and will be shipped a box of special genre goodies! But the only way to be eligible, is to become a MONSTER PARTY PATRON. So if you haven't done it yet... MAKE IT SO! https://www.patreon.com/monster_party_podcast?fan_landing=true
Direct download: Monster_Party_Characters_We_d_Love_To_Hang_With_Jonathan_London.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm PST |
Thu, 13 February 2020
MONSTER PARTY SERVES UP ANOTHER DOLLOP OF TELEVISUAL TORMENT! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to a ghoulish goldmine of ghastly gifts. Whether we're talking cathode ray creepers, or streaming screamers, the time has come for another episode celebrating all the terrors that your home theater system can handle. It's... HORROR TV VOL. 2!!! To be frank, this is kind of a strange episode. Yes, we do talk quite a bit about HORROR TV, past and present. But, we also take a few tangents, that are as necessary as they are entertaining. How did these tangents come about? Well, that might have something to do with our very special return guest! Joining us once again is a BIG friend of the show, and a powerhouse of entertainment! He's a celebrated comedian, actor, writer, producer, and hands down, the best DR. ZAIUS impersonator in the business. MONSTER PARTY is proud to welcome back... DANA GOULD! (STAN AGAINST EVIL, CREEPSHOW, TALES OF HALLOWEEN, THE SIMPSONS, CONAN O'BRIAN, GEX, SUPER ADVENTURE TEAM) Just keep telling yourself... it's only a TV show!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_TV_Vol_2_Dana_Gould.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10pm PST |
Tue, 4 February 2020
MONSTER PARTY GIVES 2019 SOME VERY TOUGH LOVE! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, load up their brand new opinion cannons, and fire away at all that 2019 had to offer. We implore you to brace your 2020 ears for the verbal assault that will rain down on... THE BEST AND WORST OF 2019!!! Since they knew this discussion would get heated, the MONSTER PARTY guys decided to tackle this one on their own. A guest would have only served as one more thing from 2019 to criticize! Listen in HORROR, as grown men engage in character assassination over such nerd targets as STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, THE MANDALORIAN, AVENGERS: ENDGAME, JOKER, GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS, GAME OF THRONES, MIDSOMMAR, THE LIGHTHOUSE, SHAZAM, and MANY MORE! 2020 just started... and MONSTER PARTY is already pissed off!
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Best_And_Worst_Of_2019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34am PST |
Sun, 19 January 2020
IT'S NOT NICE TO FOOL MOTHER NATURE. BUT PISSING HER OFF IS JUST PLAIN STUPID! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, explore what happens when nature has had enough of our bulls**t! Whether the result is nuclear nightmares, fearsome foliage, or sapien saltines, they all fit perfectly under the terrestrially toxic title of... ECO-HORROR!!! Aside from discussing the aforementionad fictional eco-horrors (and whole lot more), we also delve into the possibilities of these civilization smashing scenarios coming true. Let's face it, lately, the truth has been much scarier than fiction! To help us sort the facts from the flim flam, is a our own ecological expert! He's a professor of practice at Arizona State University, in both the School of Sustainability and the Cronkite School of Journalism; and an acclaimed filmmaker, best known for his documentaries on climate change, soil carbon, and other ecological issues. He also like to think of himself as "a scientist wrangler"! MONSTER PARTY welcomes for the first time... PETER BYCK! (CARBON COWBOYS, CARBON NATION: A CLIMATE CHANGE SOLUTIONS MOVIE [THAT DOESN'T CARE IF YOU EVEN BELIEVE IN CLIMATE CHANGE], REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER, GARBAGE) MOTHER NATURE CAN BE A REAL MOTHER! |