Sat, 18 June 2022
MONSTERPALOOZA 2022 CONTINUES! AND MONSTER PARTY LOVES EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN (Yes, he's back!), LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take on day 2 of their favorite convention with ghoulish gusto! MONSTER PARTY presents another chilling chapter in the ongoing auditory onslaught that is... MONSTERPALOOZA 2022 PART 2!!! Once again, the MONSTER PARTY gang returns to pulse-pounding Pasadena, for another crypt-ful of MONSTERPALOOZA mayhem! We've got more past guests, artists, writers, filmmakers, collectors, vendors, awesome fans, and great fiends! Yes... FIENDS! It was an honor and a pleasure to be back at MONSTERPALOOZA, and we're already planning for next year! Claws crossed! ATTENTION: STAY TUNED AFTER THE END MUSIC FOR A TERRIFYING TASTE OF MONSTERPALOOZA 2022 PART 3! THE REST OF PART 3 WILL SOON BE RELEASED ON OUR PATREON PAGE, SO BECOME A MONSTER PARTY PATRON TODAY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Monsterpalooza_2022_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:16pm PST |
Wed, 8 June 2022
MONSTERPALOOZA IS BACK! AND MONSTER PARTY COULDN'T BE HAPPIER! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, welcome back the paramount event for any serious monster kid! MONSTER PARTY is delighted to accompany you on an ghastly tour of the audio adventure called... MONSTERPALOOZA 2022 PART 1!!! In this episode, we travel to haunted Pasadena, to bring you the horrific highlights of the first day of MONSTERPALOOZA 2022! We've got past guests, amazing artists, talented writers, famous filmmakers, iconic collectors, awesome vendors, loyal fans, and a creepy cavalcade of old and new friends! Thanks again to everyone at MONSTERPALOOZA for giving us what we really needed right now! NOTE: DUE TO A PREVIOUS WORK COMMITMENT, SHAWN SHERIDAN WAS UNABLE TO PARTAKE IN THIS EPISODE. BUT FEAR NOT! HE'LL BE BACK WITH A VENGEANCE IN "PART 2"! WELL, TO BE HONEST, HE'S ALWAYS ACCOMPANIED BY VENGEANCE.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Monsterpalooza_2022_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am PST |