Thu, 21 December 2017
Santa's making a list, and checking it twice... because the toy you want doesn't exist! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, put on their BRAINIAC thinking caps, to come up with their perfect dream toys! Prepare to take an inebriated excursion to... THE ISLAND OF WISHLIST TOYS!!! Joining us for this pie-eyed play date is returning guest and MONSTER PARTY patron saint, writer/producer/director/toy imagineer... DAVID WEINER! (ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND, IT CAME FROM...) MONSTER PARTY celebrates the holidays with another raucous episode, guaranteed to fill your ear-stockings with joy. Wait...what? Ear-stocking don't exist either? DAMN YOU SANTA!
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Island_of_Wishlist_Toys_David_Weiner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31am PST |
Fri, 8 December 2017
MONSTER PARTY paints a pretty swingin' picture! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, listen to their monstrous muses, and embrace the finest of fine arts... THE ART OF MONSTERS!!! Think the fantastic Aurora model kit of JAMES BAMA! The diabolically delightful devil girls of COOP! The FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND covers of BASIL GOGOS! And the incredible work of one the most popular, iconic, and creative artists of our time! We're talking about our special guest, and the answer to every monster kid art lover's dream... SHAG!!!! This episode is so good, it belongs in a museum! Or should we say "BOO-seum"? No...we definitely should not say that.
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Art_of_Monsters_Shag.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41pm PST |
Tue, 21 November 2017
MONSTER PARTY looks at the future, through the films of the past! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, examine the often imperfect task of predicting the future through movies and TV, in an episode we call... FUTURE PAST!!! Joining us on this guided tour through these antiquated and often hilarious cinematic worlds of tomorrow, is a return guest of legendary proportions! MONSTER PARTY welcomes back actor, comedic force of nature, eerily accurate futurist... RICK OVERTON! (I'M DYING UP HERE, VEEP, THE OFFICE, EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS, THE SECRET ADVENTURES OF JULES VERNE, GROUNDHOG DAY, WILLOW) Transporters! Flying cars! Force-fields! Phasers! Did we ever get them? And if we did, can you remind us where we left them?
Direct download: Monster_Party_Future_Past_Rick_Overton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm PST |
Thu, 9 November 2017
Along time ago, in a condo's dining area off the kitchen, in a galaxy, actually, quite near... MONSTER PARTY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, had a ridiculous amount of fun when they welcomed hilarious comedian/podcaster, MIKE SCHMIDT, to send up the best and worst of HORROR TAGLINES!!! The episode was so popular, the guys had to get this guy back for another round! Yes, the great, MIKE SCHMIDT (THE 40 YEAR OLD BOY PODCAST) returns to take a crack at... SCI-FI TAGLINES!!! Just like with our HORROR TAGLINES episode, the rules are simple: Each person takes a turn reading out a SCI-FI TAGLINE, and the rest have to guess what the film is. It's a game you can play along with at home, in the safety of your own drinking nook! Remember, MONSTER PARTY is the warmest place to hide. Next to a JOHN CARPENTER'S THE THING fleece blanket, of course. Thank you Etsy!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci-Fi_Taglines_Mike_Schmidt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10pm PST |
Wed, 25 October 2017
NEWSFLASH: MONSTER PARTY just figured out what "REDRUM" means! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, venerate a modern master of horror literature in special HALLOWEEN episode! Let us give you a tantalizingly and terrifying tour through... THE WORLD OF STEPHEN KING!!! Helping us sort through the voluminous volumes that make up the work of Stephen King, is documentary filmmaker and King expert... CONSTANTINE NASR! Constantine has produced and directed many of the featurettes on the DVDs of your favorite films and TV shows, including THE GREEN MILE, THE WALKING DEAD, THE MIST, AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON, HOUSE OF WAX, THE VAL LEWTON HORROR COLLECTION, and many, many more! The gang immediately bonded with Constantine, especially after he presented us with an actual piece of THE GREEN MILE, taken directly from the set. Of course, the squabbling over who would actually get this rare collectible eventually turned violent. If you listen to one episode of MONSTER PARTY, this is "IT!" Ha! See what we did? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sigh.
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_World_of_Stephen_King_Constantine_Nasr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:21pm PST |
Tue, 17 October 2017
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MONSTER PARTIERS! In this landmark 100th episode, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to their roots with the topic of their first ever MONSTER PARTY episode. Behold listeners, it's... REVENGE OF WORST MONSTERS!!! In the tradition of the wet-behind-the-ears style of our debut episode, we skewer cinema's most un-scary, un-realistic, un-satisfying creatures! And what better guest to guide us through this monster-gone-wrong celebration, than a special friend that Matt Weinhold reacquainted with during is recent back surgery... PERCOSET! We dedicate this episode to all our fans who have kept this ridiculous little podcast growing over the years. We love you, and we promise more devilish delicious delights to come! KEEP AMERICA STRONG! KEEP LISTENING TO... MONSTER PARTY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_100th_Episode_Revenge_Of_Worst_Monsters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:21am PST |
Mon, 2 October 2017
MONSTER PARTY is thrilled to horrify you! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, tackle the age old question that has defied people who care about this sort of thing for ages... is it THRILLER OR HORROR?!!! What makes a film horror or thriller? Is it the story, the atmosphere, the music, gore, or whether the film has an A-list cast? Can a film be both? Or neither? Wait...what? Helping us negotiate our way through these perplexing celluloid dilemmas is comedian/writer/actor/hooligan... KEVIN KATAOKA! (TOTALLY BIASED WITH W. KAMAU BELL, NEWSREADERS, MADTV, DR. KATZ) With this episode, MONSTER PARTY is definitely not horrified to thrill you!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Thriller_Or_Horror_Kevin_Kataoka.output.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36pm PST |
Thu, 14 September 2017
MONSTER PARTY has a fit of GILLMANIA! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, celebrate the films and legacy of a very special monster. It's every true monster kid's favorite love struck fish-dude... THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON!!! Joining us on this historic expedition is a special guest who holds the record the longest ever episode of Monster Party... it's writer/Creature expert/gentleman... DAVID J. SCHOW! (THE CROW, CRITTERS 3 & 4, LEATHERFACE:THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE III, MASTERS OF HORROR, THE OUTER LIMITS COMPANION, THE OUTER LIMITS AT 50) We also witness the return of a comedian who never met a gillman he wouldn't make fun of... it's actor/comedian/pitbull... BOBBY SLAYTON! (ED WOOD, GET SHORTY, THE RAT PACK, DREAMGIRLS, THE ARISTOCRATS, MARON, MIND OF THE MARRIED MAN, WONDER WHEEL) THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON tagline pretty much says it all about this episode: Amazing! Startling! Shocking! We'd add: SEXY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Creature_From_The_Black_Lagoon_David_J_Schow_Bobby_Slayton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:09pm PST |
Thu, 31 August 2017
This time, MONSTER PARTY does it by the book! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, have created a game more challenging than the one where they see who can be the first to get so drunk, they can't say the word, "shapeshifter." It's... THE MAD MOVIE SMACKDOWN!!! The rules are simple: We pick a genre movie guidebook like, The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film, or John Stanley's Creature Feature Movie Guide; close our eyes, flip through the pages, and randomly jab our fingers at a film entry. Whatever come up...we have to discuss! No matter how obscure, or awful it is. Sounds fun, right? RIGHT?!!! Joining us for this terrifying game of nerd Russian Roulette, is returning friend of the show, actor/writer/dungeon master... KEN DALY! (THE KARATE KID, MR. SHOW WITH BOB AND DAVID, DUCK DODGERS, NERD POKER, STAN AGAINST EVIL) WARNING: If you plan on playing this game at home, please drink somewhat irresponsibly.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Mad_Movie_Smackdown_Ken_Daly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:35pm PST |
Tue, 22 August 2017
MONSTER PARTY WANTS TO BELIEVE! And we believe we'll have another drink! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, go "in search of" aliens, bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and other assorted cryptozoological oddities that can be filed under the classification of... UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENA!!! Joining us on this quest for truth is the acclaimed director/producer of such documentaries as TREKKIES, TREKKIES 2, SIX DAYS IN ROSWELL, and THE NATURE OF EXISTENCE... ROGER NYGARD! Get ready for an informative and challenging discussion that will not only blow your'll also put it back together.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Unexplained_Phenomena_Roger_Nygard.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:29am PST |
Tue, 8 August 2017
INEBRIATES ASSEMBLE! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, shed their casual spandex and put on their super fancy heroic spandex, for another look at those marvelously memorable metahumans! Because we think you may have at some point in the past asked for it, it's... SUPERHEROES VOL. 2!!! Snared in our lasso of truth is special guest, actor, writer, and honest to goodness TV superhero... COOPER BARNES! You may know Cooper from his starring role as CAPTAIN MAN on the hit NICKELODEON show, HENRY DANGER! We know him as one of the most knowledgeable, hilarious, and uncharacteristically in shape comic book nerds we've ever had the pleasure of sharing our microphones with. Please enjoy this exciting audio adventure, brought to you by your friendly neighborhood MONSTER PARTY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Superheroes_Vol_2_Cooper_Barnes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09am PST |
Mon, 24 July 2017
Choose your weapons! MONSTER PARTY suggests, VODKA! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take you on an auditory armory tour of some of the most fantastic and formidable devices of destruction! It's the BEST & WORST HORROR & SCI-FI WEAPONS!!! Bringing his best thousand yard stare to the battlefield is past guest and super friend of the show, comedian, actor, and love weapon... MARK PITTA! (THE TONIGHT SHOW, TOTALLY HIDDEN VIDEO, FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS, MAD ABOUT YOU) MONSTER PARTY ALERT: Stick around after the end music for a bonus edition of MARK PITTA'S CELEBRITY ENCOUNTERS! Recorded in DRUNK-O-PHONIC! One could argue that the most dangerous weapon in the MONSTER PARTY arsenal is DEMON BOOZE! So listen responsibly.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Best_Worst_Horror__Sci-Fi_Weapons_Mark_Pitta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:54pm PST |
Tue, 11 July 2017
It's date night MONSTER PARTIERS! This time, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, tackle the often tricky subject of romance in the horror, science fiction, and fantasy genres. Prepare your pitter-pattering hearts for a look at... LOVE, MONSTER PARTY STYLE!!! Helping us make sense of all these strange new feelings is the lovely, hilarious, and talented star of such genre favorites as THE HILLS HAVE EYES, HOLLISTON, THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF HORROR, and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY... LAURA ORTIZ!!! Prepare to get all gooey over murderous lonely hearts, incestuous shapeshifters, satanic love triangles, cross species courting, adolescent androids, cannibal crossed lovers, and oh so much more! Love is in the air, and there's a good chance it's going to kill you! But what else is new?
Direct download: Monster_Party_Love_Monster_Party_Style_Laura_Ortiz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:28am PST |
Tue, 27 June 2017
MONSTER PARTY wants you to go where not very many sci-fi fans have gone before! Just when you finished watching all the films we turned you on to in our classic episode HORROR OBSCURA, MONSTER PARTY has a new assignment. JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD have come up with a whole new list of seldom seen science fiction cinematic surprises, that can only be described as... SCI-FI OBSCURA!!! Bringing his own selection of unearthed science fiction gold is our very special guest, Emmy Award winning comedian, actor, writer, and whiskey enthusiast... KEVIN AVERY! (TOTALLY BIASED WITH W. KAMAU BELL, LAST WEEK TONIGHT WITH JOHN OLIVER, THE JIM JEFFERIES SHOW) MONSTER PARTY gives you even more reasons to shun the daylight, pour yourself a cocktail, and retreat to comfort of your big screen TV. No wonder nerds have such wonderful skin!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci-Fi_Obscura_Kevin_Avery.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:59am PST |
Tue, 13 June 2017
If you're excited about this episode of MONSTER PARTY, give us a CHEKOV SCREAM!!! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, welcome a true science fiction legend... WALTER KOENIG!!! Mr. Koenig is probably best known for his role as PAVEL CHEKOV in the original STAR TREK television series, but his amazing career didn't stop there! Walter had a recurring role in the TV show THE STARLOST, starred in the feature film MOONTRAP, and went on to appear in six of the STAR TREK motion pictures! As a writer, he created the character of ENIK on LAND OF THE LOST, and wrote "The Infinite Vulcan" episode of STAR TREK:THE ANIMATED SERIES. Of course Mr. Koenig truly blew all of our minds with his role as Psi-Cop ALFRED BESTER in the critically acclaimed television series, BABYLON 5! WALTER KOENIG provides us with a thoughtful and often humorous look at the world of show business, and the ups and downs of being a cultural icon. This episode is a MONSTER PARTY essential! So we expect you to download it before you can say, "Nuclear wessels."
Sat, 27 May 2017
This MONSTER PARTY episode isn't for wussies! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, celebrate those unsung and sung protagonists who overcome the odds, and denigrate the ones who don't. We're talking about... HORROR & SCI-FI HEROES!!! Joining us in honoring and dishonoring the best and worst of these heroes is long time friend of the show, EMMY AWARD WINNING comedian/actor/writer/producer/hero... SUE MURPHY! (CHELSEA LATELY, ELLEN, HELLO ROSS, WANDA DOES IT) Sue is a long time MONSTER PARTY fan favorite, and this is still the ONLY podcast she does! So, if you're looking for something heroically exclusive, this is it! Now puff out your chest, grab a flamethrower, and pour yourself a stiff class of courage! MONSTER PARTY has your back!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror__Sci-Fi_Heroes_Sue_Murphy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00pm PST |
Thu, 11 May 2017
MONSTER PARTY boldly goes where quite a few people have gone before! Specifically, a condo in Studio City with WAY too many action figures! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, push their booze engines to 80 PROOF, just to tackle their latest, star spanning topic... SPACESHIPS!!! Joining us for the historic launch of this episode, is comedian, writer, producer, and friend of the show... FRED BELFORD! Fred once again brings his quick wit and nerd pedigree to challenge the gang on their spaceship preconceptions. And who doesn't love their spaceship preconceptions challenged?! Expect the usual bi-weekly allotment of passionate bickering and character assassination, as we dissect the spacecraft from films and TV shows like STAR WARS, STAR TREK, ALIEN, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, FLASH GORDON, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, DOCTOR WHO, LOST IN SPACE, WAR OF THE WORLDS, GODZILLA, GAMERA, BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS, BLAKE'S 7, U.F.O., SPACE:1999, and MORE! Don't miss the show that made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs! And by the way, why isn't there a Kessel Rum?
Direct download: Monster_Party_Spaceships_Fred_Belford.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:47pm PST |
Tue, 2 May 2017
Once upon a time, you watched what you thought was just an innocent kiddie film...and it scarred you for LIFE! And MONSTER PARTY understands. JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, dig deep into their most traumatic childhood memories, to you bring you an episode that may screw up your inner child even more... CREEPY KID VID!!! Yes, we're talking about those films and TV shows that were presented to a young you like friendly family fare, but soon became the stuff of everlasting NIGHTMARES! Returning to MONSTER PARTY to discuss these seemingly innocent cinematic day terrors, is actor, director, and voice over actor supreme... WALLY WINGERT! (THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO, FAMILY GUY, NARUTO, SONIC BOOM, BATMAN:ARKHAM ASYLUM) MONSTER PARTY WARNS YOU: When watching a CREEPY KID VID, keep telling's only rated G, it's only rated G, it's only rated G...
Direct download: Monster_Party_Creepy_Kid_Vid_Wally_Wingert.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:22am PST |
Tue, 18 April 2017
MONSTER PARTY looks back at where we've been, and how far we've come! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, use their magic oracle (not to mention, a few shots of vodka) to peer into the past, present, and future of the horror/sci-fi/fantasy genre! Let's look at... NERD CULTURE: THEN & NOW!!! Helping us tackle this Tim Burns-size project, is one of the most talented and passionate, monster kid trailblazers of today! It's the writer/producer/director/co-creator of such projects as the YOUTUBE series VIDEO GAME HIGH SCHOOL, and the new HULU sci-fi anthology series DIMENSION 404... DEZ DOLLY! The minute Dez entered the studio, he felt like an old friend. And what brings friends closer together than having some drinks, nerding out, and being the occasional target of personal attacks? Welcome home Dez! In addition to our usual 100% FUN GUARANTEE, stick around after the end music for some extra feisty backstage bloopers! Now enjoy this audio pub crawl across time and space!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Nerd_Culture_Then__Now_Dez_Dolly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:39am PST |
Tue, 4 April 2017
Snuggle up in your straitjackets MONSTER PARTIERS! Things are about to get CRAY CRAY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, pay a visit to the laughing academy, when they delve deep into the lovable madness of... PSYCHOPATHS!!! Helping us with a not-so-clinical diagnosis of this subject is, EMMY AWARD WINNING writer/producer/director... ROB COHEN! (THE BEN STILLER SHOW, THE SIMPSONS, SUPER ADVENTURE TEAM, THE BIG BANG THEORY, MARON, LADY DYNAMITE, MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000) Rob goes off his meds, and joins us on a psychotic ride through some of screen history's most magnificent maniacs! MONSTER PARTY BONUS: Just when you thought this episode had pushed you beyond the realms of sanity, stay tuned after the closing music for a special story from Rob Cohen (hint: it involves Canada and gun play), and some EXTRA PSYCHOPATH CHAT! Insert maniacal laughter here.
Tue, 21 March 2017
MONSTER PARTY learns how to build a better tomorrow! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take a trip from the drafting table into the future, when they get a crash course in... SCI-FI DESIGN!!! Serving as our resident futurist is the conceptual artist for such films as ZATHURA, SPIDER-MAN 3, TRON:LEGACY, IRON MAN, CAPTAIN AMERICA:CIVIL WAR, and a whole bunch of AVENGERS films... PHIL SAUNDERS! Phil gives us the nuts and bolts info on what it takes to make the perfect IRON MAN armor; the inside dope on such design pioneers as SYD MEAD, H.R. GIGER, and RALPH McQUARRIE; the origin story of a certain wisecracking A.I. from THE JOURNEYMAN PROJECT CD ROM series; and so much more, it could fill a shared universe! Of course, when Phil finally designs the perfect martini, we'll definitely have him back!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci-Fi_Design_Phil_Saunders.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:59am PST |
Mon, 6 March 2017
For this episode, MONSTER PARTY has assembled the perfect cast! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, roll out their mint-in-package casting couch for a rip snortin', side-splitting, but actually informative look into... HORROR & SCI-FI CASTING!!! Giving us a look behind the audition veil, is veteran casting director and fellow genre nerd, G. CHARLES WRIGHT! (THAT 70'S SHOW, ANGER MANAGEMENT, THE MIDDLE) G Charles provides us with the inside scoop on what it takes to book the right actor for the right project, and shares some hilarious stories of his time in the casting chair. Of course, expect the usual childish disagreements, personal attacks, and obvious sexual tension, that are an integral part of every MONSTER PARTY show. Now give this episode a your own time...and have fun with it!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror__Sci-Fi_Casting_G_Charles_Wright.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:01pm PST |
Mon, 20 February 2017
This time, MONSTER PARTY gets DANGEROUS! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, decide to throw caution to the wind, and engage in some very risky podcasting. Just when you thought it was safe to settle in and listen to five inebriated nerds argue over one obscure topic, MONSTER PARTY brings you a... TOPIC FREE-FOR-ALL!!! Buckle up as the MP gang and their guest, pick random topics out of a plastic skull, and test each other's expertise at free form improvisational geeking out! Joining us for this game of nerd Russian Roulette is comedian, writer, producer, napkin cartoonist, and friend of the show... JOHN MATTA! (THE MARTIN SHORT SHOW, THE ANDY DICK SHOW, BEWARE THE BATMAN, MATTA NAPKIN) John brings his vast knowledge, razor sharp wit, and urbane decadence to this exciting night of...well...pulling topic ideas out of a plastic skull. Like we said at the top... DANGEROUS!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Topic_Free-For-All_John_Matta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:36pm PST |
Thu, 2 February 2017
A great man once said, "Who's going to believe a talking head?" We say, "How about five?!" JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, roll out the blood-red carpet, to welcome one of the best damn actors in the business! Pull up a slab, put your phasers on "Maker's Mark", and extend your pineal gland for... AN EVENING WITH JEFFREY COMBS!!! Mr. Combs has delighted MONSTER PARTY listeners with performances in films like RE-ANIMATOR, FROM BEYOND, THE FRIGHTENERS, CASTLE FREAK, DR. MORDRID, and many more! He's also lent his talents to television, playing host of memorable characters on shows like STAR TREK:DEEP SPACE NINE (who doesn't love to hate Weyoun?!), STAR TREK:VOYAGER, STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE, BABYLON 5, and THE 4400. If that weren't enough, Mr. Combs has taken the voice over world by storm in such projects that include SPIDER-MAN, JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED, SCOOBY DOO! MYSTERY INCORPORATED (H.P. Hatecraft!), THE AVENGERS: EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES, and as the voice of "Ratchet" in the TRANSFORMERS animated series, and video games. But a personal favorite of MONSTER PARTY has to be Jeffrey Combs' performance as EDGAR ALLEN POE, in his critically acclaimed one man show, NEVERMORE: AN EVENING WITH EDGAR ALLEN POE, directed by STUART GORDON! Two friends of the show... in one show!!! Receive this reward from The Founders...may it keep you strong!
Direct download: Monster_Party_An_Evening_with_Jeffrey_Combs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:37pm PST |
Mon, 23 January 2017
THE END IS NIGH! And as you know, when things get to "nigh', it's like...really bad! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, batten down their bomb shelters and stoke them with vodka, all in preparation to discuss the... THE APOCALYPSE!!! It's the end of the world as you know it, and possibly a few end of the world scenarios you might not have thought of. Lucky you! This time, MONSTER PARTY opens up their lead doors and welcomes back friend of the show, comedian, actor, and fellow horror podcaster... JOE DeROSA! (BETTER CALL SAUL, WE'LL SEE YOU IN HELL, COMEDY CENTRAL) What better time than now to look back fondly at all our favorite movie, TV, comic book, and literary cautionary tales about THE END! If you love vicious cannibals, desolate hellscapes, majestic space arks, telepathic canines, and the usual assortment of post apocalyptic shenanigans, this is the episode you want to go out on! ATTENTION! After the end music, stick around for a BONUS SEGMENT of "apoc talk", and another dose of behind the scene bloopers! THAT IS ALL! MONSTER PARTY puts the "def" in DEFCON 1! Word.
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Apocalypse_Joe_DeRosa.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:12pm PST |
Mon, 9 January 2017
MONSTER PARTY starts the New Fear...uh, Year, with a return to a much loved topic! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, once again pit sci-fi, horror, and fantasy's most powerful and terrifying creatures against each other in another edition of... WHO WOULD WIN?!!! We don't want to give away too much, but expect big against small, hair against hairpiece, baby against worse baby; and of course, the MONSTER PARTY gang against their guest. Bringing his best palm fist to this battle is comedian, filmmaker, podcaster icon...GRAHAM ELWOOD! (LAFFGHANISTAN, COMEDY FILM NERDS, EAR BUDS: THE PODCASTING DOCUMENTARY) Graham more than holds his own with this topic, and after the show, there was a lot of sweeping up of the minds he'd blown. Listen in awe, as we bring you more of the dream battles you've been waiting for! And, feel free to contact us with pair-ups of your own! Who knows, it may be featured in a future volume of...WHO WOULD WIN?!!!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Who_Would_Win_Vol_2_Graham_Elwood.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:38pm PST |