Mon, 28 December 2015
Get ready to have everything you believe challenged, MONSTER PARTY fans! The Prometheus apologists are back! Our favorite fright foils, BEN & NADIA ROBERTSON (1931 Productions), are back for a horrifying holiday happening! Listen in as they join JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD for merry and merciless debate, taken straight from the playground at recess...WHO WOULD WIN?!!! Marvel in astonishment as six grown adults argue who would win in a fight! Kirk vs. Picard? Superman vs. Hulk? Godzilla vs. Gamera? Fast zombie (yes Larry, we know they don't exist) vs. Deadite? And the monstrous mash-ups keep coming! If there's a better way to enjoy the holiday season than listening to a bunch of nerds get drunk and talk about horror and sci-fi characters battling each other in a room, find the people enjoying that activity and DESTROY THEM! Happy Holidays from MONSTER PARTY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Who_Would_Win_Ben__Nadia_Roberstson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52pm PST |
Sun, 13 December 2015
Brace yourselves fear aficionados! This time, MONSTER PARTY has a topic so huge, it needs a sequel! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD take a stab at chronicling the ups, downs, and sideways of... HORROR SEQUELS!!! And somehow (possibly through the promise of reasonably priced wine) they managed to secure as a guest, the writer of one of the finest horror sequels of all time...ROBERT ZAPPIA! Robert's amazing screenwriting prowess led to HALLOWEEN H2O, a film that reunites JAMIE LEIGH CURTIS with the Halloween film series. If you haven't seen this film, watch it, then come back and bask in the many fantastic behind the screen stories Robert brings to the MONSTER PARTY table! Also up for applause and attacks are such fright franchises like A Nightmare of Elm Street, Child's Play, Hellraiser, Evil Dead, Friday the 13th, and more!!! Hey, if MONSTER PARTY is a horror franchise, this is our 51st sequel!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Sequels_Robert_Zappia.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm PST |
Sun, 29 November 2015
MONSTER PARTY gives fear an international flavor! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD cross every possible time zone to bring you their most trepidatious, transatlantic topic... FOREIGN HORROR!!! Of course, to help dissect such a massive topic, who could they get but a guest with massive talent? Yes, it's the star of the legendary comedy series,THE OFFICE...OSCAR NUNEZ! You'll cringe when you listen to Oscar bring up creepy movies that even the Monster Party gang have never heard of! You'll shudder when you hear about the works of such horror trailblazers as Mario Bava, Dario Argento, Guillermo Del Toro, Jean Cocteau, Takashi Miike, Coffin Joe, Jean Rollin, Paul Naschy and Lucio Fulci! And you'll faint from fright learning about films like The Blind Dead series, Martyrs, A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, The Braniac, Juan of the Dead, We Are What We Are, Goke: Body Snatcher From Hell, The Son of the Shark, Cannibal Holocaust, and much, much more! This time, MONSTER PARTY is your passport to TERROR! But when vacationing in TERROR, it's best not to drink the water.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Foreign_Horror_Oscar_Nunez.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03pm PST |
Mon, 16 November 2015
MONSTER PARTY celebrates its 50TH EPISODE with comic royalty and a petrifying, pint-sized topic! Take a time out with JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, as they put the subject of EVIL KIDS over their knee! Joining in on the topic of terribly terrifying tykes is a comic giant with a whopping 45 David Letterman appearances...JAKE JOHANNSEN! Prepare to soil your diapers as the gang tackles questions like, is a possessed child actually evil; what's with evil kids and corn; should Larry be worried his daughter loves The Bad Seed; and is the actor who played King Joffrey on Game of Thrones really great, or actually a dick? It's a celebration of the dastardly brats from films like The Exorcist, The Omen, The Chosen, The Child, Who Can Kill A Child?, Halloween, Pet Sematary, The Other, The Children, Battle Royale, Orphan, The Cooties, Kill Baby Kill!, Demon Seed, The Unborn, and more! You better not try to steal one of these kids' noses. It won't end well!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Evil_Kids_Jake_Johannsen.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:55pm PST |
Mon, 2 November 2015
MONSTER PARTY just spiked the Strawberry Quik! Listen in as JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD lounge in their PJs and relive the glorious Golden Age of... SATURDAY MORNING TV!!! Returning to the show is MONSTER PARTY Hall of Famer, comedian DANA GOULD! (Tales of Halloween, The Simpsons, Mob City, Working, Super Adventure Team, and a gazillion stand-up specials) Mr. Gould comes armed with tales of working on the Sigmund & The Sea Monsters movie, Sid Krofft's telephone messages, the radicalization of The Mighty Isis, and the first cool thing that ever happened to him involving a freak themed cereal! Also slated for this soused Saturday Morning schedule is the Quisp vs. Quake election, the awesomeness of The Herculoids, Bob Burns' Tracy The Gorilla, portly Captain Marvels, animated Star Trek, barely-animated Planet of the Apes, Kimba's vegan diet, Schoolhouse Rock, The Jetsons, H.R. Pufnstuf, Lidsville, Scooby Doo, The Banana Splits, Land of the Lost, and oh so much more! This time, MONSTER PARTY is on a sugar cereal high! With a vodka and Rockstar chaser, of course. Brought to you by the FANGORIA PODCAST NETWORK!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Saturday_Morning_Dana_Gould.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:10pm PST |
Mon, 19 October 2015
In holiday tradition, MONSTER PARTY goes bobbing for cocktails! To celebrate JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD's favorite holiday, the gang welcomes actor/director/monster lover DANIEL ROEBUCK (MATLOCK, RIVER'S EDGE, THE LATE SHIFT, LOST, STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION, HALLOWEEN, THE DEVIL'S REJECTS, DOCTOR SHOCKER'S VAULT OF HORROR, AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D., and a gazillion more awesome credits!) to join in a horrific and hilarious hop of HALLOWEEN HYSTERIA! But if that wasn't enough guest candy to fill your trick or treat bag, we also have the nerd treasure experts from BLACKSPARROW AUCTIONS, FONG SAM and ERICA ENDERS on deck to give this All Hallows Hullabaloo some credibility. Up on the conversation chopping block is Ben Cooper bibs, electric hobo costumes, lethal candy, impossible to afford Don Post masks, a slightly more affordable Don Post book, the DON CON CONVENTION, Halloween movie picks, Larry insulting our guests, and much, much more! Put our your tightest, slutty whatever costume and join the party! We promise, we'll do the same!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Halloween_Hysteria_Roebuck_Sam_Enders.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm PST |
Sun, 4 October 2015
Prepare for a terrifying trip inside the minds of MONSTER PARTY! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take a good hard look at themselves with the help of psychotherapist THOMAS RAY, in an attempt to explain what's underneath their love for all things frightening and futuristic. It's time for... MONSTER THERAPY!!! In this episode, we psychoanalyze Psycho, learn the most scientific way to scare a baby, contrast and compare sibling bullying techniques, and find out why sometimes, the most healthy answer to all our problems is "Fuck it!" Also on the couch is Forbidden Planet, Star Trek, the real life Invasion of the Body Snatchers syndrome, toy collecting vs. hoarding, comforting apocalyptic futures, violent child art, sick bed time stories, and more! This time, it's a MONSTER PARTY, more terrifying a trust fall!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Monster_Therapy_Thomas_Ray.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:45pm PST |
Sat, 19 September 2015
MONSTER PARTY kicks you right in your JurASSic! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD take a journey to a genre that time forgot...DINOSAURS!!! Joining them on this inebriated expedition are actor/filmmaker/animator FRANK DIETZ and screenwriter/director/editor FRANK WOODWARD, who are also two of the hosts of another excellent sci-fi horror podcast, DAMN DIRTY GEEKS! The two Franks have brought their amazing talents to such films as ROCK N ROLL NIGHTMARE, BLACK ROSES, WRONG TURN 6, and BLACK FOREST; DISNEY'S HERCULES, MULAN, TARZAN, FANTASIA 2000; and the documentaries MEN IN SUITS, THE SPLAT PACK, and LOVECRAFT:FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. Marvel as the gang ponder baffling questions like: What kind of dinosaur is Dino from THE FLINSTONES? Does REPTILICUS qualify as a dinosaur or a good film? Did anyone make it through the film, BABY:SECRET OF THE LOST LEGEND? And after the first day of shooting on the THE MIGHTY GORGA, why did anyone return the next day? Hear preposterous theories about ONE MILLION YEARS B.C., THE LAND UNKOWN, BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS, THE VALLEY OF GWANGI, DINOSAURUS, KING KONG, THE LAST DINOSAUR, JURASSIC PARK, THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT, AT THE EARTH'S CORE, CARNOSAUR, UNKNOWN ISLAND, LAND OF THE LOST, DINOSAUR TOYS/MODELS, and MORE! Is that the sound of thunder or is MONSTER PARTY just happy to see you!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Dinosaurs_Frank_Dietz_Frank_Woodward.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31am PST |
Sun, 6 September 2015
MONSTER PARTY travels through time and space to pick the best from the rest! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, welcome comedian/writer/producer FRED BELFORD to engage in a spirited, opinionated, libation tainted parley to pick the... BEST AND WORST SCI-FI VILLAINS!!! Highlights include an examination of what actually makes a good villain, a ball-busting Batman badguy debate, Middleton Ming vs. Von Sydow Ming, Darth Vader's descent into crappiness, and the usual potpopourri of accusations, insults, and silly voices! If you have a nerd crush on one of the heavies from films and TV shows like Alien, A Clockwork Orange, Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Blade Runner, and Kamen Rider, this is the episode you'll hate to love! But don't say "no" to love.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Best__Worst_Sci-Fi_Villains_Fred_Belford.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08pm PST |
Mon, 24 August 2015
Mind the gash! MONSTER PARTY sets it's sights on old blighty! Get ready for bone chilling terror and bad accents as JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD invites "The Smartest Man In The World" GREG PROOPS for an old chinwag about... BRITISH HORROR!!! This brilliant comedian and Whose Line Is It Anyway staple is delivered a lorry load of terrifying titles, spanning the range from Hammer Horror classics like Curse of the Werewolf, to modern day shockers like The Descent and Kill List! Of course, there are the usual conversational diversions that include the story about Peter O'Toole hitting on Greg's wife, and the time they stalked Toshiro Mifune. Then it's back across the pond for cigars, brandy, and chat about The Innocents, Village of the Damned, Peeping Tom, Burn Witch, Burn, Curse of the Demon, Eden Lake, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Psychomania, and more! Brace yourselves! This episode is more dangerous than a Scotch egg!
Direct download: Monster_Party_British_Horror_Greg_Proops.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:52pm PST |
Mon, 10 August 2015
In this episode of MONSTER PARTY, you’re about to get schooled! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD sit at the feet of ZOMBEAVERS director JORDAN RUBIN, for a crash course in HOW TO MAKE A MONSTER MOVIE! Get ready for a step by step look at what it took to get this instant cult classic from the script to the screen. Learn about the writing process, getting funding, directing, camera work, nudity, titles, music, special effects, sound, stunts, distribution, the necessity of social media, and much, much more! And if that isn’t enough to get your own dead beaver crawling out of its grave, how about some excellent “brush with fame” stories, the usual Larry angering tangents, and even a delightful dose of Nazi Humor? Now listen to the podcast and get out there and make your own monster movie! C’mon, every zombeaver needs a friend!
Direct download: Monster_Party_How_To_Make_A_Monster_Movie_Jordan_Rubin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33pm PST |
Mon, 27 July 2015
MONSTER PARTY once again returns to its birthplace! And this time, we brought the FANGORIA PODCAST NETWORK! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, once again descend on the halls of the SAN DIEGO COMIC CON to experience its wonders, meet and greet the fans, purchase unique treasures, and then mock each other for said purchases. Yes, it's... COMIC CON 2017: ANYTHING GOES!!! Joining the festivities is a writer and host of the award winning podcast, THE LEGAL GEEKS... JOSH GILLILAND! As a geek and a lawyer, Josh guides us through the legal questions surrounding STAR WARS, ACTION FIGURES, DAREDEVIL, and more! But what would a Comic Con podcast be without the usual heckling from the Monster Party wives, GINA SHERIDAN and CARRIE WEINHOLD? Answer:Way less sexy! Prepare for an especially fiesty episode featuring bare-knuckled arguments over whether its safe to buy oranges from a Stormtrooper, whether action figure size matters, and how many unopened boxes are needed for Larry to consider something mint! The answer may surprise you! If you happened to miss the convention, consider this episode your Comic Con exclusive!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Comic_Con_2015_Josh_Gilliland.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:48pm PST |
Thu, 9 July 2015
Welcome to the first episode of MONSTER PARTY as part of the FANGORIA PODCAST NETWORK! And boy, have we got a great one! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD are graced by the presence of the man responsible for such groundbreaking genre classics as THE BEAST WITHIN, CLASS OF 1984, PSYCHO II, FRIGHT NIGHT, CHILD'S PLAY, THINNER, CLOAK AND DAGGER and more! It's writer/director/producer/actor... TOM HOLLAND!!! Tom guides us through his vast career with affable wit, sage film making wisdom, and an arsenal of behind the scenes stories that are not to be missed! For anyone who loves movies, Tom has rubbed elbows with many of the greats of show business and shares his unique perspective. For once, the hosts of Monster Party all agree... Tom Holland is a horror icon, a brilliant film maker, and a really great guy! VIVA TOM HOLLAND! VIVA FANGORIA! VIVA MONSTER PARTY! |
Wed, 24 June 2015
It's alive! It's ALIVE! Through the power of lightening, mad science, and a few stiff drinks... MONSTER PARTY is back! Join JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD in their lounge/lab as they stitch together pieces of their half-cocked opinions in an attempt to create podcast life! Yes, this time the topic is what our guest calls, "The Beatles of Horror"... FRANKENSTEIN!!! That guest is a returning friend of MONSTER PARTY, "The Pitbull of Comedy" himself, BOBBY SLAYTON! Witness Bobby being pushed to the limits of his patience with chat about castle self destruct switches, why the monster has no "game", how to bring lady parts back to life, and why we all belong dead! We've got Universal Frankenstein, Hammer Frankenstein, Teenage Frankenstein, Toho's Frankenstein Conquers The World, Young Frankenstein, Frankenstein: The True Story, Penny Dreadful's Frankenstein, and more! So join the party and remember the monster's words... "Drink!!!! Good!!!!"
Direct download: Monster_Party_Frankenstein_Bobby_Slayton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58pm PST |
Mon, 15 June 2015
Move aside Crypt Keeper and make way for the Cocktail Caddy! MONSTER PARTY is back and has a mausoleum full of creepy tales to tell! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, invite comedian/author/actor JOE DeROSA (Better Call Saul, The Opie and Anthony Show, Comedy Central Presents, The Pete Holmes Show, Cheat: The Man’s Guide To Infidelity) to enter "The Vault of Humor" and discuss a much loved terror tradition… HORROR ANTHOLOGIES! Join us if you love “deadtime stories” about competing awful afterlives, the world’s worst alternate universe, the world’s best Valentine’s Day card, flesh peddling gamblers, blind carpenters with a grudge, Stephen King trying to act…and more! Whether its films like Dead of Night, Creepshow and VHS, or TV shows like The Twilight Zone, Night Gallery, and Tales From The Crypt, we’ve got something that’ll win the undead heart of the most jaded monster kid! Just don’t give away the scary, surprise twist ending! Here’s a hint: Guess who’s actually been podcasting from HELL?
Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Anthologies_Joe_DeRosa.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:09pm PST |
Mon, 1 June 2015
MONSTER PARTY loves animals! Especially when they're at someone's throat! In this particularly well lubricated episode, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD chat about all of the terrifying things that can happen... WHEN NATURE ATTACKS! Can your shattered nerves cope with a high octane discussion about intelligent ants, a revenge driven orca, a baby mauling bear, a murderous baboon, an army of rats, megalomaniacal frogs, cars that dress up like spiders, some film called JAWS, and more?! If that isn't enough for you to want to pave over nature for good, you'll just have to listen to the podcast again! Recorded at a past MONSTERPALOOZA convention, this episode also shows us what can happen when booze attacks. We say, let booze win!
Tue, 19 May 2015
MONSTER PARTY learns how to make a monster! Turns out, it takes more than grain alcohol! In this new creature creating episode, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, get a crash course in MONSTER MAKING by diabolical genius MARK TAVARES! Mark has worked with such fear factories as KNB, DON POST STUDIOS, and he even made the puppets for the classic MTV Thunderbirds parody SUPER ADVENTURE TEAM... the brainchild of SIMPSONS alumni DANA GOULD and ROB COHEN! In addition to a heaping helping of monster recipes, enjoy tales of pig-faced women, waffled faced police chiefs, tantalizing toxic chemicals and STEVEN SEAGAL'S secret fear! After listening to this episode, go forth and create a monster army of your own! That would be friggin' awesome, right?
Direct download: Monster_Party_Monster_Making_Mark_Tavares.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26am PST |
Mon, 4 May 2015
Konichiwa Kaiju Kooks! In the first ever international edition of MONSTER PARTY, Ultrageeks JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, literally head Far East to the monster island itself… JAPAN!!! Take off your shoes and crack open a bottle of sake as the gargantuas of gab discuss their whirlwind tour of this magnificent country that is a big slice of nerd heaven! Hear hilarious and harrowing tales of a visit to a 30 foot Godzilla slide, a pilgrimage to the Kitahara Tin Toy Museum, an audience with Kamen Rider at the Toei Kyoto Studio Park, getting up close and personal with Lon Chaney’s jacket in Osaka, playing action figures with a three old in Ultra-town, and singing the Mothra song with locals at a Godzilla themed bar! And as for Tokyo’s incredible Robot Restaurant…why aren’t you there now?!!! |
Mon, 20 April 2015
MONSTER PARTY is back. and getting a bit nostalgic! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD dust off their Members Only shrouds and take a look back at a golden age of horror and science fiction films...THE 1980s! Tearing down the Berlin Wall of our preconceived ideas is a virtual Mount St. Helens of information and anecdotes, the writer and director of such genre classics as From A Whisper To A Scream (aka The Offspring), Prison, Doctor Mordrid, The Class of 1999, Lurking Fear, and Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge... C. COURTNEY JOYNER! In this totally tubular episode, we hear what happens when you disturb Vincent Price while he's baking, what it's like work with an actor who has to be to shackled between scenes, and whether actor Richard Lynch and Blade from Puppet Master were separated at birth? Of course after some chit chat about Battle Beyond The Stars, ET vs. The Thing, Hellraiser, Xtro, Poltergeist, The Evil Dead, A Nightmare of Elm Street, the Friday The 13th films, the legacy of Halloween and more...we barely scratch the surface!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Back_To_The_80s_C_Courtney_Joyner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:33pm PST |
Wed, 1 April 2015
There ain't no party like a MONSTER PARTY...and if there was, it would be destroyed! This time, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD take on a subject that is close to their undead hearts... MONSTER COLLECTING! And the only guest that would be appropriate for this episode would be their monster collecting enabler, owner and propreitor of Burbank and the WORLD'S foremost monster store/gallery/fan church Creature Features...TAYLOR WHITE! Get stoked for some seriously anal retentive discourse concerning the gang's geeky collector wish list, the endless in package vs. out of package debate, whether it's possible to save air from 1970's, and more! If you love Micronauts, Star Wars toys, Sideshow Toys, Distinctive Dummies, tin robots, and all things creepy, cool, and collectible, this one is for you!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Monster_Collecting_Taylor_White.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm PST |
Sun, 22 March 2015
Watch the skies! Look out for giant pea pods! The MONSTER PARTY assimilation continues and YOU'RE NEXT! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, invade the world wide web with this latest podcast, all about... EVIL ALIENS! And if that wasn't boss enough, joining them on this campaign of intenet conquest is PLAYBOY'S MISS MAY 2014 and admitted Martian spy, the galactically gorgeous... DANI MATHERS! Of course with a topic like EVIL ALIENS comes a Star Destroyer full of questions! Are the Alien Xenomorphs actually evil? Are the Borg really just buddhists? Why does Dani Mathers know so much about "The Greys"? And just as the talk heats up over Twilight Zone, War of the Worlds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Predator, They Live, Independence Day, The Thing, and It:The Terror From Beyond Space... someone brings up Prometheus and the fists start swingin' again! What else is new?
Direct download: Monster_Party_Evil_Aliens_Dani_Mathers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:02pm PST |
Sun, 8 March 2015
Put on your finest formal fright frock! You've been cordially invited to Horrorwood's swankiest affair... MONSTER PARTY! Using sense memory, the Meisner technique, and a dash of necromancy, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, explore the eerie art of... MONSTER ACTING! And who better to give us a beast's eye view of this creepy craft than Monster Party's answer to Lawrence Olivier, star of HOCUS POCUS, BUFFY: THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, HELLBOY, PAN'S LABYRINTH, FANTASTIC FOUR: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER, and FALLING SKIES... DOUG JONES! Marvel as Doug reveals the process of creating a creature, his uncanny ability to channel Guillermo Del Toro, his special relationship with goldfish, and why Barry Manilow is down with Abe Sapien! We've also got Godzilla talk, Planet of the Apes talk, Mummy talk, the usual trash talk, and more!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Monster_Acting_Doug_Jones.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm PST |
Fri, 20 February 2015
There is nothing wrong with your internet device! Do not attempt to refresh your browser! Listen as JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD experience the awful bickering that reaches from the inner drinks cabinet to... MONSTER PARTY! This time, the guys are talkin' SCI-FI TV!!! and are joined by some big time science fiction royalty! Yes, it's actor/ comedian/producer/artist and star of THE X FILES and THE LONE GUNMEN... DEAN HAGLUND! Submitted for your approval is a some breathtakingly bizarre and boozy banter concerning tip toeing on the Seaview, the perfect Dr. Smith impression, The X Files Noromos vs. Shippers fued, the inspirational words of Talkie Tina, and more! Who is Doctor Who?! What is The Starlost?!! And why that effing STUPID Star Trek:Enterprise theme song?! Trust no one... except MONSTER PARTY!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci-Fi_TV_Dean_Haglund_REV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53pm PST |
Sun, 8 February 2015
There's a strange noise coming from your internet devices! It's another madcap episode of MONSTER PARTY! This time, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD welcome two members of the DR GOD comedy troupe, NEIL GARGUILO and BRIAN JAMES O'CONNELL to get serious about... HORROR COMEDY! Aside from bringing us some fangtastic news about their own horror comedy feature film, BLOODSUCKING BASTARDS (The hit of SLAMDANCE, soon to be released nation wide!), the guys join the party to discuss The Evil Dead films, Frankenhooker, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, the directorial style of Corbin Bersen, and more! Also expect more Human Centipede bickering, the usual fast zombies vs. slow zombies debate, and a look at the dark, existential angst of Shaggy from Scooby Doo! Zoinks...sigh.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Comedy_Neil_Garguilo_Brian_James_OConnell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm PST |
Sun, 25 January 2015
Space, the final frontier? Ha! Not unless it’s the space between four sci-fi/horror geeks and their guest on this episode of MONSTER PARTY! Break out the Tranya, the Bloodwine, and the Romulan ale! It’s the MONSTER PARTY you’ve been waiting for! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, boldly go where frankly a LOT of people have gone before …the subject of STAR TREK!!! Accompanying them on their roughly hour and a half mission is Emmy Award winning comedian/writer/producer (The Ellen Degeneres Show, Wanda At Large , Chelsea Lately) SUE MURPHY! In this often contentious podcast, Sue and the lads discuss how to piss off Klingons at a convention, whether/how much “Voyager” sucks, female empowerment in “Spock’s Brain, the real surprise ending of “First Contact”, the truth behind the "Fek'lhr" bit, and what possibly may be the best William Windom impression ever! So make it so! |
Mon, 12 January 2015
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!'s just some chem trails. But if you look down at your personal internet machine, you'll see the new episode of MONSTER PARTY! In this supersized podcast, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, shed their costumes and meet up at "The Hall of Cocktails" for a cataclysmic verbal battle over the subject of... SUPERHEROES!!! But what would a supergeek mash-up be without a special appearance by critically acclaimed comic book artist/writer/antihero...DARICK ROBERTSON!!! (WOLVERINE, TRANSMETROPOLITAN, THE BOYS, HAPPY) Brace yourselves for an opinion shattering conflict that includes such pulse pounding adventures as Batman taking on roadside fruit & vegatable stands, Superman turning a blind eye to pimps, The Hulk on acid, and a walk through the darkly satiric world of Darick Roberstson & Garth Ennis' groundbreaking series, THE BOYS! Not to be confused with the slash fiction version of the same name. 'nuff said!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Superheroes_Darick_Robertson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:36am PST |