Monster Party

There is nothing wrong with your internet device! Do not attempt to refresh your browser! Listen as JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD experience the awful bickering that reaches from the inner drinks cabinet to... MONSTER PARTY!

This time, the guys are talkin' SCI-FI TV!!! and are joined by some big time science fiction royalty! Yes, it's actor/ comedian/producer/artist and star of THE X FILES and THE LONE GUNMEN... DEAN HAGLUND!

Submitted for your approval is a some breathtakingly bizarre and boozy banter concerning tip toeing on the Seaview, the perfect Dr. Smith impression, The X Files Noromos vs. Shippers fued, the inspirational words of Talkie Tina, and more! Who is Doctor Who?! What is The Starlost?!! And why that effing STUPID Star Trek:Enterprise theme song?!

Trust no one... except MONSTER PARTY!


Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci-Fi_TV_Dean_Haglund_REV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53pm PST

There's a strange noise coming from your internet devices! It's another madcap episode of MONSTER PARTY!

This time, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD welcome two members of the DR GOD comedy troupe, NEIL GARGUILO and BRIAN JAMES O'CONNELL to get serious about... HORROR COMEDY!

Aside from bringing us some fangtastic news about their own horror comedy feature film, BLOODSUCKING BASTARDS (The hit of SLAMDANCE, soon to be released nation wide!), the guys join the party to discuss The Evil Dead films, Frankenhooker, Gremlins, Ghostbusters, the directorial style of Corbin Bersen, and more! Also expect more Human Centipede bickering, the usual fast zombies vs. slow zombies debate, and a look at the dark, existential angst of Shaggy from Scooby Doo!



Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Comedy_Neil_Garguilo_Brian_James_OConnell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm PST