Monster Party

DRACULA says,"I never" But THE FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER says wine is, "Good! Good!" MONSTER PARTY says, "Hey you two, come together over vodka!"

To round out the end of 2018, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, honor two beloved actors who have become cinematic legends! What would the horror genre be without the genius of... BORIS KARLOFF & BELA LUGOSI! 


Get ready to rediscover these two acting greats, when we welcome our very special guest. It's writer, cinema historian, and unparalleled Karloff & Lugosi expert... GREG MANK! (IT'S ALIVE! THE CLASSIC CINEMA SAGA OF FRANKENSTEIN, BELA LUGOSI AND BORIS KARLOFF: THE EXPANDED STORY OF A HAUNTING COLLABORATION, HOLLYWOOD'S MADDEST DOCTORS, ONE MAN CRAZY: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF COLIN CLIVE) 

AND IF THAT WERE NOT ENOUGH, WE'VE GOT BONUS CONTENT! After the outtakes, we return to the 2018 G FEST CONVENTION in CHICAGO for another G FEST MOMENT! This time, we've got our brother from another monster... THOMAS FITCH! Recorded at the G FEST AFTER PARTY, after cocktails.

HAPPY HORROR-DAYS, and have a great NEW FEAR'S EVE! More frightful fun coming in 2019! 

Direct download: Monster_Party_Karloff__Lugosi_Greg_Mank.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm PST


JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, follow their shiny, inebriated noses to Santa's Podcast Factory. It's a festive celebration of those Yuletide events we eagerly wait for every year... CHRISTMAS SPECIALS!!!


Also on our checked twice list are holiday themed films, cartoons, songs, and TV show episodes! But since this podcast is hosted by natives from THE ISLAND OF MISFIT PEOPLE, brace yourselves for some weird and horrifying entries, like CHRISTMAS EVIL, TALES FROM THE CRYPT, and SANTA AND THE ICE CREAM BUNNY. Yes, you heard us... Ice Cream Bunny.


Put one ear in front of the other, and listen to MONSTER PARTY! But, headphones may be more comfortable.

Direct download: Monster_Party_Christmas_Specials_Greg_Ehrbar_Constantine_Nasr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm PST

MONSTER PARTY offers you a frightening family affair!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, invite their loved ones over for an intimate exchange of nerd talk, we call... THE FEARSOME FAMILY FEAST!!!

After a traditional holiday meal of pizza and booze, we fired up the mics, and welcomed dignitaries from the houses of MONSTER PARTY. This delegation included PATRICK RAY (MATT'S BROTHER-IN-LAW), GINA SHERIDAN (SHAWN'S WIFE), KATHY & KERRY STROTHE (LARRY'S DAUGHTER & WIFE), & CARRIE WEINHOLD (MATT'S WIFE)!

If you want to know what MONSTER PARTY is thankful for (aside from NIGHT OF THE LEPUS), this is the show for you!


Once again, MONSTER PARTY gets the book thrown at them!

JAMES GONISSHAWN SHERIDANLARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, revisit a game more challenging than, "Bobbing For Vodka"! More perilous than, "Pin The Tail On The Traffic Cop". It's... REVENGE OF THE MAD MOVIE SMACKDOWN!!!

Like before, the rules are ridiculously simple: We pick a genre movie guidebook like, The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film, or John Stanley's Creature Feature Movie Guide; flip through the pages, and randomly SMACKDOWN our fingers on a film entry. Whatever comes up...we have to discuss! This game is also a great way to name your baby! Who wouldn't want a child named "FIREHEAD"?

Aiding us in this monstrous game of TERROR TRIVIA, is returning friend of the show, comedian, actor, writer, modeler, and overall talent tsunami... RICK OVERTON! (WILLOW, GROUNDHOG'S DAY, EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS, THE SECRET ADVENTURES OF JULES VERNE, I'M DYING UP HERE)

ATTENTION: Stay around after the outtakes (including some great behind-the-scenes tales from WILLOW, and a STERLING HAYDEN one-man show!) for another BONUS AUDIO segment, recorded at the 2018 G FEST convention in CHICAGO. This one features KENT NESSA & JASON NESSA from the DAIKAIJU NETWORK podcast, and it also takes place at the bar. Soooooo predictable.

Direct download: Monster_Party_Revenge_Of_The_Mad_Movie_Smackdown_Rick_Overton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:14pm PST


This scare season, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, forgo the usual TPing of each other's homes, and celebrate ALL HALLOWS' EVE with some class. It's a terrifying tour through Tinsel Town called... HALLOWEEN, HOLLYWOOD STYLE!!!

To experience a true Hollywood Halloween, you need to be in the perfect location, and we managed to find just the right spot. We paid a visit to the home of legendary actor, director, producer, writer, and owner of literally THE BIGGEST SCI-FI/HORROR COLLECTION ON EARTH... RICH CORRELL! (LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, HAPPY DAYS, FULL HOUSE, STEP BY STEP, CO-CREATOR OF HANNAH MONTANA, and SO MUCH MORE!)

If that's not enough bang for your Halloween buck, we also managed to book a gorgeous and talented lady who is not only a PLAYBOY icon, but THE QUEEN OF HALLOWEEN herself... BRIDGET MARQUARDT! (THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR, SCARY MOVIE 4, THE SEARCH FOR THE NEXT ELVIRA, BRIDGET'S SEXIEST BEACHES, CELEBRITY PARANORMAL PROJECT) 

Prepare yourself for a slew of great true-life stories involving such luminaries as BORIS KARLOFF, PETER LORRE, FAY WRAY, HAROLD LLOYD, STAN LAUREL, JACK PIERCE, WALT DISNEY, VINCENT PRICE, BASIL RATHBONE, RICK BAKER, ROBERT ENGLUNDHUGH HEFNER, and even MR. ED! It's a HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA not to be missed!

NOTE: We had some audio issues during the recording of this episode that we did our best to rectify. But don't worry, the ghosts in our machines are now "safely" stored in an Ecto Containment Unit.

ATTENTION: Stick around after the bloopers for another BONUS AUDIO segment, recorded at the 2018 G FEST convention in CHICAGO. This one features BRYAN CLARK from ATTACK OF THE KILLER PODCAST! Seriously, listening to it may kill you. So please, wear a helmet.

Direct download: Monster_Party_Halloween_Hollywood_Style_Rich_Correll_Bridget_Marquardt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:33am PST

Snap your fingers MONSTER PARTIERS!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take a creepy, kooky, mysterious and spooky look at the monster kid's answer to THE BRADY BUNCH. It's... THE ADDAMS FAMILY!!!

The original ADDAMS FAMILY cartoons in THE NEW YORKER, led to a hit television show in the 60s, numerous animated series, TV specials, several feature films, and even a musical! And like one of Gomez's trains, THE ADDAMS FAMILY shows no sign of stopping! Case in point, our guest for this episode. She's the gifted and beloved actress who played the original, and dare we say, the definitive, WEDNESDAY ADDAMS... LISA LORING! (THE ADDAMS FAMILY, FANTASY ISLAND, AS THE WORLD TURNS, BLOOD FRENZY, DEATH FEUD, ICED)

Join us for a fascinating talk with this genre icon, then stick around after the bloopers for another BONUS AUDIO segment, recorded at the 2018 G FEST convention in CHICAGO. This one features one of our most loyal MONSTER PARTIERS... ANGELA McNICHOLS. We also interviewed her boyfriend ROBB GATICA, but we'll save that for our WKRP IN CINCINNATI episode.




Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Addams_Family_Lisa_Loring.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:38pm PST

When it comes to movies, MONSTER PARTY is finally in charge!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, become imaginary movie moguls and present a question they've all mused about while lying in their coffins on a sunny day...  "WHAT IF I HAD MY OWN MOVIE STUDIO?!!!"

Joining us as another studio head honcho is a comedian, actor, writer, producer, director, and musician, who is nothing short of 100% bonafide comedy royalty! He's a founding member of the groundbreaking comedy troupe, THE KIDS IN THE HALL, and is a man who really knows how to turn a studio around! It's SCOTT THOMPSON! (THE LARRY SANDERS SHOW, HANNIBAL, AMERICAN GODS, THE SIMPSONS, WHAT WOULD SAL DO?, THE KIDS IN THE HALL: DEATH COMES TO TOWN)

Get ready for an often combative episode, that tackles all the serious challenges facing a forward thinking studio chief. We're talkin' political correctness, drug use, parking, omelette stations, "females", and more!

ATTENTION: Stick around after the outtakes for another BONUS AUDIO segment, recorded at the 2018 G FEST convention in CHICAGO. This one features Canadian MONSTER PARTIER... JAMES THOMPSON! No relation to Scott..we think. 



Direct download: Monster_Party_What_If_I_Had_My_Own_Movie_Studio_Scott_Thompson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:07pm PST

Time to get out your frustrations, MONSTER PARTIERS!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, dig deep down into their notorious noodles, to reveal every science fiction trope that really irks them. It's a cathartic trip into the future that we call... SCI-FI PET PEEVES!!!

Joining us in this space age spleen venting is a guest who is practically MONSTER PARTY family. She's a comedian, an actor, an Emmy Award winning writer and producer; and will do no podcast other than MONSTER PARTY! It's your favorite cocktail podcast provocateur... SUE MURPHY! (THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO, THE LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN, ELLEN, WANDA DOES IT, CHELSEA LATELY) 

It's time to take those pet peeves for a walk. Just keep them off our lawn!

ATTENTION: Stick around after the outtakes for the first in a series of special BONUS AUDIO segments, recorded at 2018 G FEST in CHICAGO. This one features MONSTER PARTIER... ROB LAURICH!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci_Fi_Pet_Peeves_Sue_Murphy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27pm PST


JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, embark on a trip into another dimension where popular non-genre films are now horror movies. Listen in as the gang go around their fancy new podcast table, and take turns pitching ideas for taking a beloved mainstream movie and turning it into something HORRIFYING! It's an episode we arrogantly call... SHOULD'VE BEEN A HORROR FILM!!!

No surprise, we managed to book the perfect guest to tackle this mind-blowing concept. It's actor, comedian, podcaster, and improviser supreme... REGAN BURNS! (DOG WITH A BLOG, HALFWAY HOME, SUPERNATURAL, OBLIVIOUS, CRITICALLY YOURS, and EVERY COMMERCIAL ON TELEVISION!)

This is a game you can play at home! Come up with your own pitches and share them with us! You know you want to!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Shouldve_Been_A_Horror_Film_Regan_Burns.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52pm PST

MONSTER PARTY knows, the suit makes THE MONSTER!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, due their best to hide their zippers, and tackle the kaiju sized topic of... MONSTER SUITS!!!

Any listener knows how much we all love a great (or sometimes even bad) monster suit! From creations like THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON and GODZILLA, to H.R. GIGER's "ALIEN" and CHEWBACCA, monster suits continue to thrill and fascinate us. And speaking of thrilling and fascinating, MONSTER PARTY once again manages to score the perfect guest for this topic. It's monstrously talented monster suit creator...TED HAINES! (FROM DUSK TILL DAWN, BLADE II, WISHMASTER, CARNOSAUR, DOLLMAN VS. DEMONIC TOYS, THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN, THE MUPPETS, and MUCH MORE!)

WARNING: If you plan on making a HUMAN CENTIPEDE suit, don't forget lots of air holes!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Monster_Suits_Ted_Haines.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:01pm PST


So here's the story: While JAMES GONIS, MATT WEINHOLD, and Matt's wife, CARRIE, attended SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL COMIC CON 2018, LARRY STROTHE was called away on important business and was unable to attend. SHAWN SHERIDAN, just released from the hospital (and towing around an intravenous antibiotic tube), was able to make it down to San Diego with his wife GINA, but was only able to enjoy the Con from his hotel room. Using his trusty Comic Con press pass, James managed to book as our guest, MEGO TOYS expert, and owner of DR. MEGO'S REPROS... DR. MEGO! Luckily, we were able to convince DR. MEGO (aka PAUL CLARKE) to make his way up to Shawn's recuperation room for a fun and informative discussion about... THE WORLD OF MEGO!!!

Now, when we talk MEGO, we're talkin' about the groundbreaking toy company that brought us some of the most coveted action figures since the 1970's. MEGO gave us drooling nerds, high quality fabric clothed figures from such franchises as STAR TREK, PLANET OF THE APES, MARVEL & DC SUPERHEROES, THE WIZARD OF OZ, and many, many more! Oh, and they also brought us a little thing called, THE MICRONAUTS! And that's only scratching the surface.

And, if that were not enough, we've also recorded an extra wrap-around segment that includes some of Larry Strothe's fondest MEGO memories! Isn't it nice when Larry's memories are fond?

Whew! So there you have it! We've re-united the band, and as long as we can rely on modern medicine, it'll stay that way!

Direct download: Monster_Party_The_World_of_Mego_Dr_Mego.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:22pm PST


JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN (kind of), LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take a totally biased look at those struggling second bananas, doing what they can to get their fair share of the spotlight. Feast your ears on... THE BEST & WORST SIDEKICKS!!!

Joining us once again is a writer, producer, and performer, who as a child actor, introduced the world to Chicken McNuggets!  He's more than just a guest, he's MONSTER PARTY family. Please welcome back... KEN DALY! (THE KARATE KID, THE USUAL SUSPECTS, SUPER ADVENTURE TEAM, MR. SHOW, DUCK DODGERS, STAN AGAINST EVIL)

In this episode, we not only dissect what it takes to make a good & bad sidekick, we lament the absence of a sidekick of our own. Due to a medical emergency, SHAWN SHERIDAN regretfully had to miss the recording this episode. However, he did manage to provide us with his own "Best & Worst Sidekick" list, straight from his hospital bed! Shawn's perfectly fine now, but not having him on the mic, showed us just how much we need him. That being said, Ken, you're resume was very impressive. 


Direct download: Monster_Party_Best_Worst_Sidekicks_Ken_Daly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:07am PST

With this episode, MONSTER PARTY enters a new age!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, have left their old Studio City digs behind, and set up their new secret headquarters in the not-so-secret city of Van Nuys! No more keeping Carrie Weinhold up at all hours, while a bunch of nerds drink in her dining room, arguing loudly about ET, running zombies, and MIP toys. Now, we have our own permanent studio!!!

What better way to make a new place feel familiar, than with a popular topic, and a favorite guest? Help us by helping yourself to another round of our most beloved schoolyard's, WHO WOULD WIN? VOL. 3!!! And helping us to christen our new fortress of nerditude, is friend of the show, and geek supreme... DAVID WEINER! (FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND, ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, IT CAME FROM...)

MONSTER PARTY has a new home! We mean, besides that place in your twisted hearts.


Direct download: Monster_Party_Who_Would_Win_Vol_3_David_Weiner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:21pm PST

MONSTER PARTY redefines the word...ADVENTURE!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, engage in an intimate conversation amongst themselves, in an attempt to uncover more of the geeky life-experiences that shaped them. It's an episode we have had the gall to call...ADVENTURES IN NERDLAND!!!

This new edition of MONSTER MONSTER features hair-raising tales of devious adolescent pranks, on-the-job mishaps, action figure anal retentiveness, child art trauma, dream/nightmare tattoos, birthday party humiliations, and MORE!

MONSTER PARTY humbly invites you to take a pub crawl through the mindscape that is our NERDLAND! We want you to make it yours!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Adventures_In_Nerdland.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm PST

Set aside some time MONSTER PARTIERS! This episode is a real page turner!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take this golden opportunity to salute those pulse pounding periodicals that continue to shape our nerd lives. It's...HORROR & SCI-FI MAGAZINES!!!

Why is this a golden opportunity, you may ask? Because the guest for this voluminous topic, happens to be the KING of horror & sci-fi mags himself! He's the co-creator/publisher of such genre tomes as STARLOG, FANGORIA, CINEMAGIC, FUTURE LIFE, and COMICS SCENE, as well as producing the STAR TREK 20th ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION, and the STAR WARS 10th ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION. MONSTER PARTY proudly welcomes... KERRY O'QUINN!

Kerry's vast knowledge of publishing and colorful stories, paint a fascinating picture of how fandom has grown, and changed over the years. This episode is not to be missed! Just like all the other ones!

And be sure to look for the KERRY O'QUINN documentary, "FROM THE BRIDGE," hosted by GEORGE TAKAI! Coming soon!


Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror__Sci-Fi_Magazines_Kerry_O_Quinn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:21pm PST

The wait for the conclusion of our convention cliffhanger is over MONSTER PARTIERS! And, we promise it won't be a letdown like, RETURN OF THE JEDI!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, once again man their trusty MONSTER PARTY booth, at the MONSTERPALOOZA convention in scaaaaary Pasedena, California. Strap yourselves in for another onslaught of chilling chat with convention goers, cosplay enthusiasts, MONSTER PARTY fans, our friends and family, and special guests that includes, DANA GOULD, BOBBY SLAYTON, 2013 PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR: RAQUEL POMPLUN, WILLIAM STOUT, and MORE!

MONSTER PARTY would like to thank all of our old and new fans, our guests, and our wonderful pals, for making this event the success that it was! And, special thanks goes out to ELIOT BRODSKY, for making the  MONSTERPALOOZA convention possible. You have our beast witches!

ATTENTION: Once again, this PART 2 of our MONSTERPALOOZA adventures, so if you didn't listen to PART 1, you'll be completely lost! Well, maybe not completely lost, but a little disoriented...but, not really, Look, just listen to PART 1, okay! Jeez!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Live_at_Monsterpalooza_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm PST

MONSTER PARTY brings the party to the people!

In their first ever official convention appearance, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, hold court at the best monster festival in the world... MONSTERPALOOZA!!!

Since the convention took place over a three day period, this is just PART 1 (Friday & Saturday) of the monster kid antics that took place at this incredible event! Prepare your deviant minds for special guests, convention floor color commentary, interviews with fans, and the usual squabbling that made MONSTER PARTY, the podcast you know and love!

If you've always wanted to attend MONSTERPALOOZA, and never had the chance, let MONSTER PARTY be your virtual guides! Sit down and pour yourself a cocktail of pure excitement. Because, LIVE AT MONSTERPALOOZA: PART 2 is coming!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Live_at_Monsterpalooza_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:55pm PST

MONSTER PARTY shows you how to build a better action figure! 

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, give you a Santa's elf's eye view of what it takes to bring a toy from concept to reality, in an episode simply called... TOY MAKING!!!

Showing us what it takes to get the toys we love to our shelves, is CO-OWNER/CEO of BIF BANG POW! TOYS...JASON LENZI! Jason's wonderful company has brought us delights from such franchises as FLASH GORDON, THE BIG BANG THEORY, THE TWILIGHT ZONE, THE MARVEL & DC UNIVERSE, DEXTER, STAR TREK, KISS, and oh so much more!


In this episode, we also welcome the next generation of toy makers! From SEA DEMON TOYS, it's MICHELLE OLIVIER & KEVIN SMITH! Michelle and Kevin are currently producing a line of vinyl sofubi figures, starting with their Lovecraftian creation...JOHNNY INNSMOUTH!

Get ready for a playdate...with, EXCITEMENT!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Toy_Making_Jason_Lenzi_Kevin_Smith_Michelle_Olivier.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:42pm PST

In this episode, MONSTER PARTY is in your face! Virtually.

Get ready for JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, to jump out of your listening device, and into your lap! We're going to take a stereoscopic journey into... THE WORLD OF 3-D!!!

There was literally only one guest suitable for a discussion of this massive subject, and he agreed to join us in three dimensions! He's an award-winning filmmaker, CEO of 3-D SPACE , and Director of the LA 3-D Movie Festival... ERIC KURLAND!

Eric has been a life-long champion of 3-D in all its forms, including films, photos, View-Master, lenticulars, comic books, posters, and more! He's turned this passion into a fantastic career, and has consulted on 3-D projects for clients that include National Geographic, Nintendo, and NASA/JPL! But, his IMAX-size resume doesn't end there. Eric's 3-D music videos for the band, OK GO, included the Grammy nominee,“All Is Not Lost,” and he was lead stereographer on the Oscar-nominated animated short “MAGGIE SIMPSON in THE LONGEST DAYCARE.” 

Eric also owns his own ROBOT MONSTER costume, which he occasionally wears. But only for ROBOT MONSTER emergencies.

Direct download: Monster_Party_The_World_of_3-D_Eric_Kurland.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41pm PST

It doesn't matter whether you thought our past episode,  OVERRATED & UNDERRATED, was overrated or underrated. WE'RE DOING IT AGAIN!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, have dusted the cobwebs off a beloved old topic, and are tickled pink to present you... UNDERRATED & OVERRATED VOL. 2!!!

Once again, the title says it all! We each bring up a movie, book, or other bit of nerd nonsense, and defend it as either "overrated" or "underrated." And if that weren't fun enough, this is all done while wiping each other's angry spittle from our faces. 

Joining us for this audacious orgy of opinions, is a man who doesn't pull any punches....well, maybe the physical ones. It's TV show host, power nerd, and movie reviewing icon... SCOTT MANTZ! (ACCESS HOLLYWOOD, JUST SEEN IT, 50 YEARS OF STAR TREK, SCI-FI ENTERTAINMENT)

This episode is guaranteed to make you yell at your listening device. If it yells back, you may have accidentally called your mother. And if it's not too much trouble, could you ask her what she thinks about SUPERMAN 3?

Direct download: Monster_Party_Overrated__Underrated_Vol_2_Scott_Mantz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10pm PST

Once again, MONSTER PARTY seeks guidance from a mass produced plastic skull!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, leave their decision making to chance, when they return to a topic that's part nerd talk, part game show. It's the... REVENGE OF TOPIC FREE-FOR-ALL!!!

You remember how this goes! We fill a plastic skull with a bunch of topic ideas written on small pieces of paper, we each pick one at random, then discuss it until someone throws a punch. And, this goes on for over two hours! Fun, right?!

The last time we played this game, we were joined by acclaimed comedian, writer, and cartoonist... JOHN MATTA! (THE MARTIN SHORT SHOW, BEWARE THE BATMAN, DUCK DODGERS, STAY COOL SCOOBY DOO, MATTA NAPKIN) This time we pulled some strings, ordered some honey walnut shrimp, and managed to book...guess who? JOHN MATTA!!!!

But, not only do we have this long time friend and supporter of MONSTER PARTY returning to the show, we also have actress, model, and daughter of Gaylord St. James (the father in the original LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT!) ...JOLINE TOWERS!

Sure, this is a game you could play with your own friends, but, wouldn't you rather play it with us? C'mon, don't be a clown!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Revenge_of_Topic_Free-For-All_John_Matta_Joline_Towers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:29pm PST

This time, the anthill is going to step on you!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, give each other an Empire State Building-sized case of the heebie-jeebies, in this creepy, crawling episode called... BIG BUGS!!!

And for a topic this unnerving and HUGE, we managed to book THE DEADLY MANTIS of guests! He's the writer/director of such entomologically epic films as BIG ASS SPIDER and LAVALANTULA, as well as THE GRAVEDANCERS, TALES OF HALLOWEEN, and DON'T KILL IT! Look out! It's MIKE MENDEZ! 

But if that weren't enough, prepare yourselves for a special musical performance that can only be described as... actually, it can't be described.

MONSTER PARTY has a bug up its ass. And damn it, it's gonna stay there for a while!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Big_Bugs_Mike_Mendez_1-16-2019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:37am PST

Unlike Seinfeld, this episode of MONSTER PARTY is about EVERYTHING!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to a topic that was normally reserved for COMIC CON. But, since they couldn't all be in San Diego last year, the gang has decided to haul out this favorite, right now! Yes, it's the return of... ANYTHING GOES!!!

For a topic like this, it helps to have a guest who knows quite a lot about a lot of things, especially when it comes to entertainment. So, we welcome to MONSTER PARTY, power manager, producer, musician, and all around knowledge guru... BRUCE SMITH!

At OMNIPOP TALENT GROUP, Bruce manages some of the greatest names in showbiz, including many previous MONSTER PARTY guests! We're talkin' Rick Overton, Jimmy Pardo, Cooper Barnes, Laura Ortiz, Doug Jones, Oscar Nunez, Andy Kindler, Doug Benson, Maria Bamford, and Scott Thompson, just to name a few! Oh, and he also handles some guy named Matt Weinhold.

It's ANYTHING GOES!!! And, the first thing to go is common courtesy. So what else is new?

Direct download: Monster_Party_Anything_Goes_Bruce_Smith.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:03pm PST

Coming soon to MONSTER PARTY! And by soon, we mean,  NOW!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, dissect some of the most important advertising tools, when it comes to selling a film or product. We're talkin' ... TRAILERS & COMMERCIALS!!!

Of course, who better to give us a "fly on the wall" view of these unique attention grabbers, than comedian, filmmaker, and acclaimed commercial director... JORDAN BRADY! (I AM COMIC, I AM ROAD COMIC, I AM BATTLE COMIC, MARIA BAMFORD: THE SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL! & THE BEST DAMN EGGO WAFFLE COMMERCIALS EVER MADE) He's also the inventer of the "chocolate chip squib." But you knew that.

Enter an upside-down world, where trailers & commercials are the main feature! The world of MONSTER PARTY!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Trailers__Commercials_Jordan_Brady.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:53pm PST

REJOICE! MONSTER PARTY has unearthed even more hidden horrors!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, revisit one of their all time favorite topics! It's that one where they dig deep into their vast knowledge of fright films, to come up with a list of offbeat oddities from the sinister screen! Yes, it's... HORROR OBSCURA VOL. 2!!!

Helping them negotiate their way off the beaten terror track, is return guest and big-time friend of the show, writer/director/novelist/film expert supreme... C. COURTNEY JOYNER! (FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM, PUPPET MASTER III: TOULON'S REVENGE, LURKING FEAR, DOCTOR MORDRID, BUSHWACKED: THE JOHN BISHOP SHOTGUN SAGA, NEMO RISING)

Just when you thought you'd completed your horror film "must see" list, MONSTER PARTY provides you with a new one! Isn't life grand?!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Obscura_Vol_2_C_Courtney_Joyner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:17pm PST


To start off the NEW YEAR right, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, play a cinematic game of "What If?" and look at the genre films we almost got to see... THE FILMS THAT NEVER WERE!!!!

Of course, we got the singularly perfect guest for this topic! He's the writer, director, actor, animator, who brought us the always fascinating documentary, "THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN LIVES:WHAT HAPPENED?" ...JON SCHNEPP! (METALOCALYPSE, SPACE GHOST:COAST TO COAST, AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE, THE VENTURE BROS., THE ABCs OF DEATH, SLAYER:REPENTLESS)

Prepare yourself for tales of controversial casting, studio infighting, inadequate ninjas, and a heapin' helping of movies we'd love to see to made!

YAY 2018! Fingers crossed!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Films_That_Never_Were_Jon_Schnepp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm PST