Monster Party

MONSTER PARTY is back. and getting a bit nostalgic!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD dust off their Members Only shrouds and take a look back at a golden age of horror and science fiction films...THE 1980s!

Tearing down the Berlin Wall of our preconceived ideas is a virtual Mount St. Helens of information and anecdotes, the writer and director of such genre classics as From A Whisper To A Scream (aka The Offspring), Prison, Doctor Mordrid, The Class of 1999, Lurking Fear, and Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge... C. COURTNEY JOYNER!

In this totally tubular episode, we hear what happens when you disturb Vincent Price while he's baking, what it's like work with an actor who has to be to shackled between scenes, and whether actor Richard Lynch and Blade from Puppet Master were separated at birth?

Of course after some chit chat about Battle Beyond The Stars, ET vs. The Thing, Hellraiser, Xtro, Poltergeist, The Evil Dead, A Nightmare of Elm Street, the Friday The 13th films, the legacy of Halloween and more...we barely scratch the surface!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Back_To_The_80s_C_Courtney_Joyner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:33pm PST

There ain't no party like a MONSTER PARTY...and if there was, it would be destroyed!

This time, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD take on a subject that is close to their undead hearts... MONSTER COLLECTING!

And the only guest that would be appropriate for this episode would be their monster collecting enabler, owner and propreitor of Burbank and the WORLD'S foremost monster store/gallery/fan church Creature Features...TAYLOR WHITE!

Get stoked for some seriously anal retentive discourse concerning the gang's geeky collector wish list, the endless in package vs. out of package debate, whether it's possible to save air from 1970's, and more!

If you love Micronauts, Star Wars toys, Sideshow Toys, Distinctive Dummies, tin robots, and all things creepy, cool, and collectible, this one is for you!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Monster_Collecting_Taylor_White.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm PST