Monster Party

Watch the skies! Look out for giant pea pods! The MONSTER PARTY assimilation continues and YOU'RE NEXT!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, invade the world wide web with this latest podcast, all about... EVIL ALIENS!

And if that wasn't boss enough, joining them on this campaign of intenet conquest is PLAYBOY'S MISS MAY 2014 and admitted Martian spy, the galactically gorgeous... DANI MATHERS!

Of course with a topic like EVIL ALIENS comes a Star Destroyer full of questions! Are the Alien Xenomorphs actually evil? Are the Borg really just buddhists? Why does Dani Mathers know so much about "The Greys"? And just as the talk heats up over Twilight Zone, War of the Worlds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Predator, They Live, Independence Day, The Thing, and It:The Terror From Beyond Space... someone brings up Prometheus and the fists start swingin' again! What else is new?


Direct download: Monster_Party_Evil_Aliens_Dani_Mathers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:02pm PST


Put on your finest formal fright frock! You've been cordially invited to Horrorwood's swankiest affair... MONSTER PARTY!

Using sense memory, the Meisner technique, and a dash of necromancy, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, explore the eerie art of... MONSTER ACTING!

And who better to give us a beast's eye view of this creepy craft than Monster Party's answer to Lawrence Olivier, star of HOCUS POCUS, BUFFY: THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, HELLBOY, PAN'S LABYRINTH, FANTASTIC FOUR: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER, and FALLING SKIES... DOUG JONES!

Marvel as Doug reveals the process of creating a creature, his uncanny ability to channel Guillermo Del Toro, his special relationship with goldfish, and why Barry Manilow is down with Abe Sapien! We've also got Godzilla talk, Planet of the Apes talk, Mummy talk, the usual trash talk, and more!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Monster_Acting_Doug_Jones.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm PST