Monster Party

NEWSFLASH: MONSTER PARTY just figured out what "REDRUM" means!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, venerate a modern master of horror literature in special HALLOWEEN episode! Let us give you a tantalizingly and terrifying tour through... THE WORLD OF STEPHEN KING!!!

Helping us sort through the voluminous volumes that make up the work of Stephen King, is documentary filmmaker and King expert... CONSTANTINE NASR!

Constantine has produced and directed many of the featurettes on the DVDs of your favorite films and TV shows, including THE GREEN MILE, THE WALKING DEAD, THE MIST, AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON, HOUSE OF WAX, THE VAL LEWTON HORROR COLLECTION, and many, many more!

The gang immediately bonded with Constantine, especially after he presented us with an actual piece of THE GREEN MILE, taken directly from the set. Of course, the squabbling over who would actually get this rare collectible eventually turned violent.

If you listen to one episode of MONSTER PARTY, this is "IT!" Ha! See what we did? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Sigh.

Direct download: Monster_Party_The_World_of_Stephen_King_Constantine_Nasr.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:21pm PST


In this landmark 100th episode, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to their roots with the topic of their first ever MONSTER PARTY episode. Behold listeners, it's... REVENGE OF WORST MONSTERS!!!

In the tradition of the wet-behind-the-ears style of our debut episode, we skewer cinema's most un-scary, un-realistic, un-satisfying creatures! And what better guest to guide us through this monster-gone-wrong celebration, than a special friend that Matt Weinhold reacquainted with during is recent back surgery... PERCOSET!

We dedicate this episode to all our fans who have kept this ridiculous little podcast growing over the years. We love you, and we promise more devilish delicious delights to come!




Direct download: Monster_Party_100th_Episode_Revenge_Of_Worst_Monsters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:21am PST

MONSTER PARTY is thrilled to horrify you! 

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, tackle the age old question that has defied people who care about this sort of thing for ages... is it THRILLER OR HORROR?!!!

What makes a film horror or thriller? Is it the story, the atmosphere, the music, gore, or whether the film has an A-list cast? Can a film be both? Or neither? Wait...what?

Helping us  negotiate our way through these perplexing celluloid dilemmas is comedian/writer/actor/hooligan... KEVIN KATAOKA! (TOTALLY BIASED WITH W. KAMAU BELL, NEWSREADERS, MADTV, DR. KATZ)

With this episode, MONSTER PARTY is definitely not horrified to thrill you!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Thriller_Or_Horror_Kevin_Kataoka.output.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36pm PST