Monster Party

MONSTER PARTY ends the year with an episode that is NEVER NOT FUNNY...or FRIGHTENING!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD make your holiday dreams come true by welcoming comedic force of nature and host of the trailblazing podcast, NEVER NOT FUNNY... JIMMY PARDO!!!

Since Jimmy is allergic to MW's familiars, the guys set up in his studio, and challenged him to answer the question, "WHY AREN'T YOU A BIGGER NERD?"

Sure, Mr. Pardo enjoys a good PLANET OF THE APES film, or cheering on "The Shape" in the HALLOWEEN film series. But, where is his action figure shelf?! Where is his Klingon dictionary?! Why doesn't he own a Lawgiver statue?! And would it kill him to wear some Stormtrooper armor from time to time?! C'mon Jimmy, we know you can do better!!

Help MONSTER PARTY expunge the fetid stench of 2016, with this attempt to give a celebrated comedian, the ultimate nerd makeover! 

Next year...MONSTER PARTY may be coming for YOU!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Why_Arent_You_A_Bigger_Nerd_Jimmy_Pardo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm PST

MONSTER PARTY celebrates the granddaddy of horror/fantasy/sci-fi fandom, and his remarkable legacy! 

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, ring in the holidays with a topic that should touch the palpitating heart of every Monsterpartier... FORRY ACKERMAN & THE MONSTER KID GENERATION!!!

In case you've been hiding under a gravestone, the late FORREST J ACKERMAN was a science fiction writer, literary agent, and editor of the first ongoing monster magazine, FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND!

Known as Uncle Forry to his friends, Ackerman was one of the most active proponents of fantastic films and fiction, and practically single handedly started science fiction fandom! Forry was also known for his massive collection of genre treasures, and would often give fans a tour of the "Ackermansion." 

Helping us to understand the impact that Forry left on a generation is writer/FX artist/Polynesian entertainer/studio vocalist/dark ride designer... JOE MOE! Joe took care or Forry during the last years of his life, and gives us a unique perspective on the man, as well doing the definitive Forrest J Ackerman impression!

If that were not enough, the gang is also joined by actress BARBARA LEIGH, star of such films as PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW, JUNIOR BONNER (alongside her then boyfriend Steve McQueen), and the cult classic TERMINAL ISLAND. But, Barbara may be best known by horror fans, as the first and best, live action cover model for VAMPIRELLA magazine! 

And don't miss out on our special new segment: THE MONSTER PARTY GIFT GIVING GUIDE!

To paraphrase Uncle Forry, "Take this podcast home monster kids, you will love it!"


The person has spoken, and MONSTER PARTY listened!

In our first ever episode featuring a topic suggested by a listener (Thank you, Brandon Meyer!), JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, don't fear the reaper as they examine... THE BEST & WORST HORROR & SCI-FI DEATHS!!!

Joining us for this cinematic stroll through the cemetery is comedian/writer/actress/film nerdess supreme... JODI MILLER! (AMERICA'S GOT TALENT, SHOWBIZ TONIGHT, THE TONIGHT SHOW). 

But, just when you thought this episode could rest in peace, stick around after the closing music for a bonus interview with the daughter of RICHARD TOWERS (a.k.a GAYLORD ST. JAMES, the vengeful dad from the original 1972 WES CRAVEN film, THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT), actress/model/filmmaker... JOLINE TOWERS!

To paraphrase the nanny from THE OMEN: Listen to MONSTER PARTY! It's all for you!



Direct download: Monster_Party_Best_Worst_Horror__Sci-Fi_Deaths_Jodi_Miller.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:46pm PST


JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take this opportunity to give thanks for the excellent new IFC horror/comedy series... STAN AGAINST EVIL!!!

Joining us in this potluck of petrifying pleasures, is series creator/comedian extraordinaire/geek supreme, DANA GOULD (SUPER ADVENTURE TEAM, THE SIMPSONS, WORKING), and series writer SUSAN BURKE (VAMP'D, X PLAY, SOUTHBOUND).

Dana, Susan, and the guys engage in a lively discussion of subjects, ranging from the making of the series, Evil Dead comparisons, who is "The Snakeman", the consequences of being "egregiously pregnant, what demon made Lionel Ritchie dance on the ceiling, True Blood vs.The Vampire Diaries, what Arthur C. Clarke was doing in Sri Lanka, a Judy Garland sidebar, and yet, still, even still, more!

And after the closing music, keep listening for a fiery Thanksgiving debate about whether to keep a turkey mint-in-package, how to ruin tater tots, to cranberry or not to cranberry, and more holiday hijinks!

Keep America Strong! Watch STAN AGAINST EVIL on IFC! 


Give MONSTER PARTY some sugar, baby!

To celebrate HALLOWEEN in the most awesome manner possible, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, decided to dedicate this year's All Hallow's Eve to one of the most beloved, and enduring horror franchises of all time...EVIL DEAD!!!

And somehow, the horror gods looked up upon us and smiled. For our guests, we managed to snag the stars of the hit STARZ TV series, ASH VS EVIL DEAD...DANA DeLORENZO and RAY SANTIAGO!

With Kelly and Pablo in the house, they really put the "party" in MONSTER PARTY! Get ready for behind the scenes tales, straight from the mouths of these Deadite battling warriors, not to mention Dana vs Mint In Box Barbies, Ray vs His Hair, book titles stranger than the Necronomicon, and how pumpkin ale saved Halloween!


MONSTER PARTY says: When there's no more room in a great way to start a horror movie tagline!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, use this very special podcast to celebrate perhaps one of the most important sales tools when it comes to marketing scary films... HORROR TAGLINES!!!

You know, those pulse pounding powerhouses of petrifying poetry, that grab our attention, and spark our imagination. Whether their great, bad, misleading, or confusing, a tagline is like a carnival barker, tempting us to experience the dark delights a horror film has to offer.

And, speaking of dark delights, there is no one more delightful to discuss this topic than comedian and host of podcast, THE 40 YEAR OLD BOY... MIKE SCHMIDT!

Mike, and the MONSTER PARTY gang, challenged each other to a two hour plus game of "Pin The Tagline On The Movie", and if you guessed the winner was "demon booze"... you're right! 

But, don't let that stop you listeners from playing along! When it comes to HORROR TAGLINES, everybody wins!


Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Taglines_Mike_Schmidt.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:26pm PST


JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, embrace the salacious sanctity of celluloid sleaze, with a topic that could only be called... THAT'S EXPLOITATION!!!

Guiding us through this red light district of cult cinema, is a filmmaker that is no stranger to the genre. The director of such classics as DR. ALIEN, CREEPOZOIDS, PUPPET MASTER III, and SORORITY BABES IN THE SLIMEBALL BOWL-O-RAMA, it's DAVID DeCOTEAU!

But just when you thought you were content with one fantastic guest, we offer up another one at no extra cost! Rounding out the MONSTER PARTY, is film journalist/historian, and podcast raconteur...DAVID DEL VALLE!

MONSTER PARTY SAYS: Take your family to see an exploitation film. They'll be glad you did! Well...if they're our families.

Direct download: Monster_Party_Thats_Exploitation_David_DeCoteau.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:19am PST

MONSTER PARTY says: If it ain't broke, use it until it is!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, go where everyone has gone before, as they take on the tried and true tropes of terror and technology...the WORST HORROR & SCI-FI CLICHES!!!

Helping us discern which of these cliches are terrible, and which ones we may actually kind of like, is comedian/television host... MARK PITTA! (THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JOHNNY CARSON AND LENO, TOTALLY HIDDEN VIDEO, THE COMEDY CLUB)

Join us for this rib-tickling and ribald round robin, where we answer such questions as: "Why does the girl always trip and fall?, "Why doesn't the car start?", "What's the difference between a 'trope' and a 'toupee'?" and, "Is STRANGER THINGS unoriginal and overrated, or just unoriginal?"

The End?

Direct download: Monster_Party_Worst_Horror__Sci-Fi_Cliches_Mark_Pitta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:04pm PST

MONSTER PARTY takes the party to the people!

Join JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, for a monstrously marvelous milestone! It's a podcast that is a mix of in-studio commentary, and highlights of our first ever LIVE event, recorded at highbrow horror hangout, CREATURE FEATURES, as part of their GODZILLA: ALL ART ATTACK 2 gallery show.

Usually, a typical MONSTER PARTY episode would feature a celebrity guest, but this time, we made that guest YOU! Listen in, as audience members share their favorite (and occasionally flawed) Godzilla memories with a packed crowd. We did our best to re-create the standard MONSTER PARTY vibe, by offering an open bar, snacks, swag, raffles, and our usual trademark brand of adolescent squabbling.

Thank you TAYLOR WHITE, ERIC OCTOBER, MATTHEW ABRAMS, MICHELLE OLIVIER, and KEVIN SMITH, for making this experiment in merriment, a resounding success!

Now, maybe the London Palladium will return our calls.


Direct download: Monster_Party_Godzilla_All_Art_Attack_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:56pm PST

MONSTER PARTY has seen it all! And, seen it again...and again...and again!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, take aim at those coat tail riding, idea stealing, B list actor employing films that we love to hate, and hate to love... RIPOFFS & WANNABES!

When choosing a guest for this opinion fueled free for all, the MONSTER PARTY gang knew there was only one man for the job. You know him for his offbeat wit, impeccable timing, and matinee idol's comedian/actor... RON LYNCH! (BOB'S BURGERS, ADVENTURE TIME, HOME MOVIES).

We all love movies that burst at the screen with inspiration, but there's a warm place in our cold hearts for the ripoff and the wannabe. What they lack in originality, they often make up for in humor, charm, or utter ridiculousness! And let's not forget, although imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, it's also a good way to make a quick buck!

P.S. There's also a quite spirited discussion about spandex! It could be put off no longer.

Direct download: Monster_Party_Ripoffs__Wannabes_Ron_Lynch.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:04pm PST

Although Comic Con 2016 is over, why not relive it by sitting in on the most swingin' event since the furry orgy in the Convention Center parking lot... MONSTER PARTY!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, once again return to where "the world's greatest podcast featuring four cocktail swigging nerds wearing match T shirts," was spawned... THE SAN DIEGO INTERNATIONAL COMIC CON!!! As we do every year, this special Comic Con edition of MONSTER PARTY, features the topic that is no topic... ANYTHING GOES!

Joining the cacophony of inappropriate jokes, drunken insults, and ridiculously passionate toy buying stories, are a veritable Dean Martin Show closet-full of surprise guests, that include some old favorites and new faces! Or voices. Whatever.

Anyway, you know the drill, and to tell you more, would be a crime. Not a crime as horrendous as the one that serves as the premise for the HBO hit series, The Night Of. But hey HBO, it's not a contest! 

Direct download: Monster_Party_Comic_Con_2016_Anything_Goes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:12pm PST

MONSTER PARTY makes worlds collide!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, turn to their private stash of self-written fan/slash fiction, to come up with the nerdiest of nerd topics... CROSSOVERS WE'D LIKE TO SEE! 

Yeah, you know this game! What if blah blah blah met such n' such? No, we're not giving away any of our brilliant ideas in this simple episode description. You're just going to have to listen!

Helping the gang in their attempt to create a genre universe gone haywire, is the absurdly talented actor and writer...STEVE BANNOS! You know him from FREAKS & GEEKS, BRIDESMAIDS, LOVE, GHOSTBUSTERS, and so many more roles, he's broken IMDB! But let's face it, IMDB had it coming.

There ain't no crossover, like a MONSTER PARTY crossover! Yes, that was a challenge.

Direct download: Monster_Party_Crossovers_Wed_Like_To_See_Steve_Bannos.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11pm PST

MONSTER PARTY is back, and in this episode, there will be blood!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, all made a list, checked it twice, and decreed which horror, science fiction, and fantasy films are the most... OVERRATED & UNDERRATED!!!

If you thought a topic like this might lead to arguing, character assassination, and numerous trips to the bar, you would be correct!

Dropping herself into this monstrous melee is return guest, comedian and famed William Windom impersonator... SUE MURPHY! 

Remember Sue? She's the one who got James to admit he never watched an episode of Star Trek! Good times! Sue brought in her own list and attempted to engage in a calm and reasonable discourse on the merits of each film. We'd like to say that is what happened but of course, that would be a lie.

If there's one episode that's liable to piss off everyone, this is it! Let the MONSTER PARTY hate mail commence!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Overrated_Underrated_Sue_Murphy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29pm PST

MONSTER PARTY has exhumed a petrifyingly pugnacious podcast, from it's abominable archive!

Take a trip back in time to the early days of MONSTER PARTY, where four middle-aged, snot-nosed upstarts named, JAMES GONISSHAWN SHERIDANLARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, took the horror podcast world by storm! It was a time of no guests; just piss, vinegar, and an endless stream of girl drinks. In this newly found MONSTER PARTY classic, recorded at a MONSTERPALOOZA convention a couple years back, the boys take on the subject of horror and sci-fi films with... INCREDIBLY STRANGE TITLES!!! 

And when you get a film with an incredibly strange title, there are bound to be questions. Why shouldn't children play with dead things? What actually is a matter with Helen? And if you're having sex with Sister Hyde, what happens if she suddenly turns back to Doctor Jekyll? 

All these questions and more, will be answered in this pulse pulverizing edition of MONSTER PARTY!


Direct download: Monster_Party_Incredibly_Strange_Titles.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:50pm PST

This time, MONSTER PARTY puts horror on a petrifying pedestal!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, make it ladies night, with this fearfully feminine fright fest featuring film's ferocious fear-fatales... FIENDISH FEMALES!

For a topic like this, we spared no takeout Chinese food, nor mid priced vodka to lure our special guest to CASTLE MONSTER PARTY! We welcome back friend of the show, stellar comedian and brilliant host of THE DORK FOREST, and Nerdist's, THE JACKIE AND LAURIE SHOW podcasts... JACKIE KASHIAN! Allow yourself an alluring abundance of killer queens, spiders with attitude, Borg royalty, snake cougars, biblical hellcats, real-life monsters, vampire siblings, a meat lady, and so much more. It is so much fun, it's almost embarrassing!

MONSTER PARTY likes its women like it likes its coffee... strong, with cashew milk, Stevia, and a drop of PURE EVIL!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Fiendish_Females_Jackie_Kashian.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34pm PST


JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, give you this informative and particularly lubricated episode, where they discuss those ground breakers of the genres... HORROR & SCI-FI GAME CHANGERS!!!

And to take part in the festivities, the gang welcomes executive editor of their other favorite horror magazine, Famous Monsters of Filmland, DAVID WEINER! Talk about a game changer, it's a FANGORIA/FAMOUS MONSTERS CROSSOVER! Expect a spirited conversation covering everything from sound, color, make-up, stop-motion animation, CGI, and gore; to an impassioned debate over Uncle Gilbert from The Munsters!

MONSTER PARTY changes the game! But this time, it might be a drinking game.


Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror__Sci-Fi_Game_Changers_David_Weiner.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm PST

MONSTER PARTY gets the star treatment from one of our all-time favorites! 

JAMES GONISSHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, are graced by an actress that has worked with likes of such directors as Claude Chabrol, John Huston, Robert Clouse, and J. Lee Thompson... LISA LANGLOIS!!!

Lisa has starred in such MONSTER PARTY favorites as Happy Birthday To Me, Deadly Eyes, Class of 1984, The Nest, and an avalanche of other great films! Our lovely and charming guest, gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the often challenging career of a film actress, especially in the horror/sci-fi genre. Learn what happens when you work with Hollywood royalty, a legend of the French new wave, dogs wearing rat costumes, and Roddy McDowall behind the wheel of a car. And don't get her started on nudity...but we did! 

Don't miss our fascinating episode with this talented and uncompromising actress, who really knows how to hang!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Lisa_Langlois.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29am PST

Brace yourselves as MONSTER PARTY gets maniacal with a spleen splattering special guest!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, roll out the blood red carpet for the director of such classic genre films as MANIAC (1980), the MANIAC COP series, VIGILANTE, RELENTLESS, and UNCLE SAM... WILLIAM LUSTIG!!!

Bill (he let us call him that!) began working in film production in his teens, and went on to pave a career that was no stranger to success or controversy. Pour yourself a stiff absinthe and learn the art of doing dangerous car stunts on a budget, how to piss off an entire country with a single movie poster, the proper etiquette when lighting a man (or two) on fire, what it takes to get Tom Savini to blow up his own head, why Joe Spinell probably got paid more on the Godfather than Al Pacino, and many more nuggets of show business wisdom!

Bill also owns the video releasing company BLUE UNDERGROUND, that puts out such Monster Party favorites as Shockwaves, Deathdream, The Blind Dead series, the films of Dario Argento, and even the original Django movies!

Don't miss this birthday present of episode, with a horror legend who is as much a fan as he is, a film-maker! Great company indeed!


Direct download: Monster_Party_William_Lustig.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33am PST

MONSTER PARTY digs deep to uncover the horror genre's most unique treasures!

On this archeological expedition of terror, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD explore... HORROR OBSCURA!!!

You know, those great little classics that may have fallen through your movie knowledge cracks. To make sure we don't screw this up, Monster Party is once again graced by friend of the show, actor/comedian/film buff extraordinaire... DAVE HIGGINS!

You've loved Dave on Ellen, Malcolm In The Middle, Mike and Molly, and on his comedy/horror TV show, International Ghost Investigators: Hollywood Division! But, on this episode, that "love" will turn to "in love," as Dave shares his wide knowledge of obscure films with the Monster Party gang! We don't want to give away any of the unique cinematic artifacts we have in store, but expect to be recommended films that involve a chimp/human romance, split screen murders, bomb shelter vampire bats, zombie creating robots, satanic cannibals, a grasshopper that rides a motorcycle, a very pissed off Spencer Tracy, Kurt Russell, Sea World, and so very much more!

For the films you're about to be turned on're welcome!





Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Obscura_Dave_Higgins.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:14pm PST

MONSTER PARTY gets giddy about those gloriously gruesome gumshoes!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to their flophouse of fear, and bump gums about a subject that's near and dear to their hooch soaked hearts... HORROR & SCI-FI DETECTIVES!!!

And helping us hit the cinematic pavement, is actor/director/comedian and fellow film fiend, GREG TRAVIS (Showgirls, Starship Troopers, Watchmen, Humanoids from the Deep, Mortuary,Toolbox Murders)! Greg has much to contribute to this discussion, due to the fact he is now releasing his own previously lost/cursed horror detective comedy, DARK SEDUCTION!

The game is certainly afoot as the guys take snorts of giggle juice, and investigate such cinematic classics as Silence of the Lambs , Hannibal, Soylent Green, Until The End of the World, Blade Runner (voice-over vs. no voice-over?), Dead Heat (we're so, so sorry); genre detectives like, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, and Van Helsing; the works of Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft; and so much more!

So what have these films taught us? Don't be a dick! It's dangerous!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_and_Sci-Fi_Detectives_Greg_Travis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49pm PST

MONSTER PARTY knows a problem film when they see it!

In this especially antagonistic episode, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD examine the genre shattering ramifications of what happens... WHEN HORROR FILMS GO BAD!!!

And, accompanying the gang on this insidious intervention is writer/director/comedian and geek supreme...CHRIS MANCINI! Of course, you know Chris from the Comedy Film Nerds website and podcast, but, did you know he also had an up close and personal experience with his own horror film going bad...through no fault of his own?

Hear is a truly unbelievable tale, as well as a healthy dose of diabolic debates over films like, The Village, The Conjuring, The Mist, Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman, The Blair Witch Project 2, Cloverfield, The Purge, Anaconda, and many more!

If you have a horror film you feel has gone down the wrong path, call on MONSTER PARTY! We feel your pain!

Direct download: Monster_Party_When_Horror_Films_Go_Bad_Chris_Mancini.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:42am PST

MONSTER PARTY is back for another star studded, career spanning podcast!

This time, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, welcome veteran actor/comedian TIM THOMERSON (Quark, Trancers, Dollman, Fade To Black, Near Dark) to discuss his decades long journey through the business that we call "show"! But Monster Party gives you more bang for your podcast buck! Along for this madcap and informative ride is past guest, friend of the show, and friend of Tim Thomerson, writer/director C.COURTNEY JOYNER (From A Whisper To A Scream, Prison, Doctor Mordred, Tracers III, Lurking Fear, Class of 1999).

The gang sit back and hoist a few, as Tom and C.J. regale them with tales of working with Demonic Toys, surviving Lance Henrickson and Bill Paxton, getting comfortable playing characters with names like "Jack Deth" and "Brick Bardo", treading the fine line between "Gene" and "Jean", and ever so much more! And for you fledgling actors out there, get ready for some keen insights into the craft, from a student of the great Stella Adler! 

This episode truly has something for everybody! With the exclusion of manners, of course.

Direct download: Monster_Party_Tim_Thomerson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:38am PST

Tasha Yar is at the bar, in this galaxy shattering episode of MONSTER PARTY!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, welcome the extra lovely, super talented, and mega cool, DENISE CROSBY (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Pet Sematary, Dolly Dearest, Eliminators, Trekkies 1&2, Dexter, The Walking Dead, Ray Donovan, The Magicians; and pretty much every other TV show in recent memory!), to discuss her amazing career. Get ready for an informative, hilarious, and emotional journey, as Denise shares intimate and enlightening stories about her remarkable life.

Like sharing screen time with a Mandroid in Eliminators, quitting Star Trek:TNG and then coming back for its most popular episodes, the emotional rollercoaster that was the Pet Sematary set, her personal connections with fans, the behind the scenes drama of Trekkies, and so much more!

Denise was such a great guest, we've practically made her the fifth member of MONSTER PARTY! What can we say...Denise knows how to hang!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Denise_Crosby.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:36pm PST

MONSTER PARTY acolytes! Abandon all sobriety, ye who listen to this episode!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, make a Faustian pact with demon booze, to explore the monstrous movie malevolence that is... SATANIC SINEMA!!! 

And to join us in this cinematic celebration of devilish delights is Playboy's Miss July 2011 and host of Anything Goes with Jessa Hinton...JESSICA HINTON!

Whether you call him Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, or some new name you made up, the horned one has been a staple of horror genre right from the beginning. Get ready for some sinfully scintillating speaking sounds about The Exorcist, The Omen, Bedazzled, The Sentinel, Rosemary's Baby, Angel Heart, Constantine, Abby, Hot Stuff, American Gothic, Race With The Devil, The Devil's Rain, and much, much, more!

And if that wasn't enough, keep listening for SPECIAL ADDED BONUS CONTENT after the podcast!!!

The Devil made us do it...but he wasn't a dick about it!


Direct download: Monster_Party_Satanic_Sinema_Jessa_Hinton.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:16am PST

There is nothing wrong with your computer device! There's signpost up ahead! Your next stop...MONSTER PARTY!

MONSTER PARTY goes DEEP geek as JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, pit two classic science fiction/horror TV series against each other in the battle of the millennium. It's THE OUTER LIMITS VS. THE TWILIGHT ZONE!!!

And who better to referee this battle of the titans? The man who wrote THE OUTER LIMITS COMPANION, countless other books, and such films as THE CROW, CRITTERS 3 & 4, and TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE: THE BEGINNING...DAVID J SCHOW!

David is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to both The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, and is an engaging storyteller...especially when he's had a few beers! Prepare yourself to start the new year with this over two and half hour, nerdgasm of an episode that will definitely make you choose a side. 

The battle has begun! May the best show win!

Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Outer_Limits_vs_The_Twilight_Zone_David_J_Schow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:57pm PST