Monster Party

Yes MONSTER PARTY fans, it's true!

With help from the ghost of H.P. LOVECRAFT; the tentacled god CTHULHU; and a forbidden incantation from the pages of the NECRONOMICON; our humble podcast has been graced by legendary film director and all around great guy... STUART GORDON!!! 

Mr. Gordon has made such game changing horror films as Re-Animator, From Beyond, Dolls, Dagon and a host of others that any true fan of the genre should know!

Join JMAES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, as they try to keep it together while talking to one of their horror film heroes.

Get ready for a personal journey through Stuart's fascinating career and lots of behind the scenes stories, including shopping for fetish wear with the lovely BARBARA CRAMPTON, and what wasn't included in the theatrical release of "From Beyond". You can also get the latest info about where and when you can see Re-Animator: The Musical! Yes, it's a freakin' MUSICAL and it's fantasic! So listen!

Yog-Sothoth commands you!


Direct download: Monster_Party_Stuart_Gordon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:11am PST

Wipe away those post-Halloween blues with another electrifying episode of MONSTER PARTY!

Accompany JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN LARRY STROTHE and MATT WEINHOLD, as they take a steamy excursion into SEX, HORROR, and the amazing world of JEWEL SHEPARD!

The eternally gorgeous Ms. Shepard has starred in such MONSTER PARTY favorites as “Hollywood Hot Tubs” and the horror/comedy classic “The Return of the Living Dead”, and brings her provocative, stream of consciousness style to this risqué soiree. Along with sexy horror talk, hear Jewel’s tales of bowling with Phil Spector, Herschell Gordon Lewis’ garage, and why some breasts require a coaster! 

We know…we had you at “coaster”.  

Direct download: Monster_Party_Sex_Horror_Jewel_Shepard.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm PST