Monster Party

MONSTER PARTY gets giddy about those gloriously gruesome gumshoes!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to their flophouse of fear, and bump gums about a subject that's near and dear to their hooch soaked hearts... HORROR & SCI-FI DETECTIVES!!!

And helping us hit the cinematic pavement, is actor/director/comedian and fellow film fiend, GREG TRAVIS (Showgirls, Starship Troopers, Watchmen, Humanoids from the Deep, Mortuary,Toolbox Murders)! Greg has much to contribute to this discussion, due to the fact he is now releasing his own previously lost/cursed horror detective comedy, DARK SEDUCTION!

The game is certainly afoot as the guys take snorts of giggle juice, and investigate such cinematic classics as Silence of the Lambs , Hannibal, Soylent Green, Until The End of the World, Blade Runner (voice-over vs. no voice-over?), Dead Heat (we're so, so sorry); genre detectives like, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, and Van Helsing; the works of Edgar Allen Poe and H.P. Lovecraft; and so much more!

So what have these films taught us? Don't be a dick! It's dangerous!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_and_Sci-Fi_Detectives_Greg_Travis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49pm PST

MONSTER PARTY knows a problem film when they see it!

In this especially antagonistic episode, JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD examine the genre shattering ramifications of what happens... WHEN HORROR FILMS GO BAD!!!

And, accompanying the gang on this insidious intervention is writer/director/comedian and geek supreme...CHRIS MANCINI! Of course, you know Chris from the Comedy Film Nerds website and podcast, but, did you know he also had an up close and personal experience with his own horror film going bad...through no fault of his own?

Hear is a truly unbelievable tale, as well as a healthy dose of diabolic debates over films like, The Village, The Conjuring, The Mist, Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman, The Blair Witch Project 2, Cloverfield, The Purge, Anaconda, and many more!

If you have a horror film you feel has gone down the wrong path, call on MONSTER PARTY! We feel your pain!

Direct download: Monster_Party_When_Horror_Films_Go_Bad_Chris_Mancini.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:42am PST