Sun, 21 November 2021
THIS THANKSGIVING, TRADE IN THAT TURKEY FOR A TINGLER, AND CANDY THOSE YAMS WITH LSD! MONSTER PARTY PRESENTS A FRIGHTFUL FEAST THAT IS SURE TO SCARE YOUR PANTS OFF! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, present an episode that is more fun than throwing pumpkin pies at floating inflatable skeleton! MONSTER PARTY is proud to pay tribute to a maverick director/producer/writer/actor, whose filmography includes such genre classics as THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL, THE TINGLER, 13 GHOSTS, HOMICIDAL, and ROSEMARY'S BABY. We're talking about the one and only "Master of Gimmicks"... WILLIAM CASTLE!!! To us up and coming monster kids, William Castle served as our delighfully scary favorite uncle. Sporting a large cigar and armed with playful sense of gallows humor, Castle came off like a more accessible Alfred Hitchcock. He often introduced his pictures, and thrilled movie-goers with a vast array of inventive and sometimes silly gimmicks. To make things even more tantalizing, Castle liked to brand these gimmicks with catchy names like, EMERGO, PERCEPTO, and ILLUSION-O, just to name a few. I suppose if he had made an Italian western, it would have been filmed in SPAGHETTI-O! Hahahahaha... sigh. Joining us for this creepy cavalcade of Castle comaraderie, is an EMMY AWARD winning director/producer/editor, who makes his MONSTER PARTY debut! He's the man who gave us the critically acclaimed documentary, SPINE TINGLER: THE WILLIAM CASTLE STORY, for which we'll forever be in his debt. Please welcome... JEFFREY SCHWARZ! (WRANGLER: ANATOMY OF AN ICON, VITO, I AM DIVINE, TAB HUNTER CONFIDENTIAL, THE FABULOUS ALLEN CARR, BOULEVARD! A HOLLYWOOD STORY, GODDESS: THE FALL AND RISE OF SHOWGIRLS) LISTEN... IF YOU DARE! OR TAKE THAT LONG WALK TO "COWARD'S CORNER." BUT IS THAT ANY PLACE TO SPEND THANKSGIVING?
Direct download: Monster_Party_William_Castle_Jeffrey_Schwarz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:21pm PST |
Fri, 5 November 2021
MAY THE QUOTE BE WITH YOU! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, dive deep into their massive film libraries, to mine some the strangest sayings ever to be uttered in speculative fiction. Following in the frightful footsteps of our HORROR MOVIE QUOTES episode, MONSTER PARTY brings you a galaxy- spanning glossary that we've scientifically titled... SCI-FI MOVIE QUOTES!!! If you remember HORROR MOVIE QUOTES (with the lovely and charming KEN DALY), you know the drill. We all present quotes from well known (at least to us) science fiction films, and the rest of us try to guess what that film is. And if you think this was easy, think again. You'd be surprised at how a line taken out of context can confound even the most hardcore movie brainiac. Or maybe not! Maybe you're one of those special genre mutants, able to identify a sci-fi quote with your Cerebro-esque noodle. If so, we hope you use your powers for good. For this episode, we needed a guest with a vast knowledge of fantastic films that matched our own...well almost. He's a celebrated actor, producer, podcaster, voice artist, and friend of the show, who just happens to be the founder of BIF BANG POW! TOYS. Yep, we got our PATREON sugar daddy! Please welcome back... JASON LENZI! (POD STALLIONS, LIFE AFTER FLASH, IN SEARCH OF TOMORROW, CANNONBALL, WIPEOUT, AND ONE MORE TIME... BIF BANG POW! TOYS!!!) ONCE AGAIN, MONSTER PARTY PRESENTS A GAME THAT YOU CAN PLAY ALONG WITH AT HOME! AND AS USUAL, CLOTHING IS OPTIONAL.
Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci-Fi_Movie_Quotes_Jason_Lenzi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm PST |