Tue, 31 December 2019
MONSTER PARTY PUTS HORROR UNDER YOUR SKIN! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, know what annoys you when it comes to fright films. That's why they've torn themselves away from their precious bluray players, and turned that irritaiton into podcast GOLD! Let's usher in the New Year with a tempestuous topic that could only be titled... HORROR PET PEEVES!!! What are we sick of? Well, that would be telling. You'll just have to listen to the episode to find out. But would that kill you? We hope not. Because dying is one of our pet peeves. Joining us for this audacious example of audio outrage, is a long time friend of the show, who may just be as pissed off as we are. He's an acclaimed writer, comedian, producer, and unparalled napkin cartoonist, and his given earth name is.... JOHN MATTA! (MATTA NAPKIN, THE EPIC TALES OF CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS, BE COOL SCOOBY DOO!, BEWARE THE BATMAN, DUCK DODGERS, THE JAMIE KENNEDY EXPERIMENT) If this one doesn't make your anger even angrier, you need to kick your anger's ass!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror_Pet_Peeves_John_Matta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15am PST |
Thu, 19 December 2019
MONSTER PARTY DECKS THE HALLS WITH TONS OF REALLY COOL STUFF! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, all have two things in common. They LOVE PRESENTS, and they LOVE YOU! That's why they're sharing the must have items on their holiday "wish lists", to make sure your loved ones don't screw up your gifts again this year. Remember, when it comes to nerds, one size doesn't fit all. But prepare to have all that yuletide shopping stress lifted, as we present... THE MONSTER PARTY HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE 2019!!! But if that were not enough to jingle your bells, MONSTER PARTY gets a visit from our own young, smooth, FATHER CHRISTMAS! He's our own beloved unpaid intern, a fantastic artist, and the founder of SEA DEMON VINYL toys... KEVIN SMITH! Never mind those crudely painted wooden trains that SANTA'S WORKSHOP is always putting out! This holiday season, get a gift with THE MONSTER PARTY SEAL OF APPROVAL. In your face Kringle!
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Monster_Party_Holiday_Gift_Guide_2019_Kevin_Smith.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:54am PST |
Sat, 7 December 2019
JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO OPEN A BOOK ABOUT SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASY, OR HORROR MOVIES... JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to their extensive genre film guidebook libraries, for another round of America's fast growing game of chance! Beware MONSTER PARTIERS, for... THE MAD MOVIE SMACKDOWN WALKS AMONG US!!! Once again, the boys randomly flip through various film reference books like THE PYSCHOTRONIC ENCYCLOPEDIA TO FILM, and THE CREATURE FEATURES MOVIE GUIDE. When their cocktails tell them the moment is right, they stop on a page, blindly stab a finger at an entry, and discuss said entry. What ensues, can only be described as... life affirming! Returning to MONSTER PARTY and THE MAD MOVIE SMACKDOWN, is an old friend who is a writer/actor/producer, and the man who made SHAMROCK SHAKES sexy... KEN DALY! (NERD POKER, STAN AGAINST EVIL, THE SUPER ADVENTURE TEAM, DUCK DODGERS, MR. SHOW WITH BOB AND DAVID, QUINCY M.E., THE KARATE KID) Try playing this game yourselves! It may just save your marriage. NOTE: During this episode, we experienced a cocktail versus soundboard incident. So if you hear any fluctuations in sound quality, blame Matt Weinhold.
Direct download: Monster_Party_The_Mad_Movie_Smackdown_Walks_Among_Us_Ken_Daly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:52pm PST |