Sun, 1 January 2023
THE TOPIC FREE-FOR-ALL IS BACK, BUT A CERTAIN PROP HAD OTHER PLANS! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, return to the topic that is all topics! But due to a slight hiccup, we don't have our beloved plastic skull full of exciting, and sometimes moldy talking points. Thus, we present... TOPIC FREE-FOR-ALL: OUT OF OUR SKULL EDITION!!! In past "TOPIC FREE-ALL" episodes, we'd usually pull strips of paper with random topics out a plastic skull, and discuss whatever was written on them. But at the last minute, we discovered the skull was inaccessible. Not giving in to defeat, we quickly retooled our topic choosing process, and the show was saved! But we're not going to lie... the skull was missed. One thing that did go very right was our choice of a guest! He's an acclaimed comedian, writer, cartoonist, friend of the show, and no stranger to TOPIC FREE-FOR-ALL! MONSTER PARTY is pleased to start the new year with the lovely and talented... JOHN MATTA! (MATTA NAPKIN, BEWARE THE BATMAN, THE EPIC TALES OF CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS, BE COOL, SCOOBY DOO!, DUCK DODGERS, THE MARTIN SHORT SHOW) BONUS: IF ALL THIS IS NOT ENOUGH NEW YEAR MERRIMENT, WE'VE GOT A SPECIAL REVIEW OF THE NEW NETFLIX SERIES, "WEDNESDAY", BY OUR OWN KATHY STROTHE! IT'S TUBULAR! SUCK ON THAT 2023!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Topic_Free-For-All_Out_Of_Our_Skull_Edition_John_Matta.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:56pm PST |