Mon, 10 May 2021
MONSTER PARTY SAYS, "HEY! YOU'VE GOT YOUR WESTERN IN MY SCI-FI!" JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, discuss what happens when a science fiction film or TV show is cross-pollenated with a non-genre concept. It all goes down in an episode with a slightly long-winded title called... SCI-FI MASHUPS: THE MANDALORIAN AND BEYOND!!! Some of the most popular sci-fi franchises borrow heavily from other genres, especially westerns and samurai films. The STAR WARS franchise is probably the most high profile example, with THE MANDALORIAN being the current standard bearer. Of course, there are a slew of other shows and films, that not only follow this same approach, but attempt to blend even more diverse non-science fiction genres. And we're gonna hit them all! Well, most of them. Okay, some of them. Look, the shows can't all be over three hours! In the tradition of our topic, we decided to mash this episode up with an excellent guest! He's a brilliant writer, blogger, attorney, long-time champion of MONSTER PARTY, and host of his own ridiculously popular podcast: THE LEGAL GEEKS. Let's give a Grogu greeting to... JOSH GILLILAND! (BOW TIE LAW, UNLOCKED STORIES: TEN STORIES, ONE PHONE, SAN DIEGO COMIC CON, WONDERCON, SAN DIEGO COMIC FEST, SAN FRANCISCO COMIC CON, GEEKIE AWARDS NOMINATION 2015: BEST PODCAST) WARNING: AFTER THE END MUSIC, THERE IS EVEN MORE BICKERING OVER GODZILLA VS. KONG. IT'S A MASHUP OF FILM CRITICISM AND PERSONAL ATTACKS!
Direct download: Monster_Party_Sci-Fi_Mashups_The_Mandalorian_and_Beyond_Josh_Gilliland.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:57pm PST |