Monster Party

For this episode, MONSTER PARTY has assembled the perfect cast!

JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, roll out their mint-in-package casting couch for a rip snortin', side-splitting, but actually informative look into... HORROR & SCI-FI CASTING!!!

Giving us a look behind the audition veil, is veteran casting director and fellow genre nerd, G. CHARLES WRIGHT! (THAT 70'S SHOW, ANGER MANAGEMENT, THE MIDDLE)

G Charles provides us with the inside scoop on what it takes to book the right actor for the right project, and shares some hilarious stories of his time in the casting chair. Of course, expect the usual childish disagreements, personal attacks, and obvious sexual tension, that are an integral part of every MONSTER PARTY show.

Now give this episode a your own time...and have fun with it!

Direct download: Monster_Party_Horror__Sci-Fi_Casting_G_Charles_Wright.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:01pm PST