Monster Party


SHAWN SHERIDAN, JAMES GONIS, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, pack their audio pic-a-nic baskets, for a journey through animation history! Join us for a wacky race into the exciting world of... HANNA-BARBERA!

WILLIAM HANNA and JOSEPH BARBERA were the innovative team behind many of the world's favorite cartoons. Over their long career, they were responsible for such memorable characters as TOM & JERRY, THE FLINTSTONES, YOGI BEAR, THE JETSONS, SCOOBY DOO, HUCKLEBERRY HOUND, TOP CAT, SECRET SQUIRREL, HONG KONG PHOOEY, THE WACKY RACES, ATOM ANT, SNAGGLEPUSS, JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS, WAIT TILL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME, and HUNDREDS more! 

HANNA-BARBERA also blazed a trail when it came to producing adventure cartoons. This was the team that brought us JONNY QUEST, SPACE GHOST, THE HERCULOIDS, THE FANTASTIC FOUR, SUPER FRIENDS, SHAZZAN, VALLEY OF THE DINOSAURS, and many other fantastical Saturday morning staples. 

Not satisfied with the status quo, HANNA and BARBERA ventured out into the world of feature films, giving us THE MAN CALLED FLINTSTONE, HEY THERE, IT'S YOGI BEAR!, and the beloved animated classic, CHARLOTTE'S WEB. If that's not enough for you folks, they even tackled live-action with THE BANANA SPLITS ADVENTURE HOUR, DANGER ISLAND, MYSTERY ISLAND, and the under-appreciated live-action/animation hybrid, THE NEW ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN! 

Of course, we don't have the space to list all of HANNA-BARBERA'S achievements. That's what the episode is for. But, speaking of that!

There was only one guest we could have booked for this epic topic. He's a friend of the show, appearing (along with fellow MP friend, CONSTANTINE NASR) on our CHRISTMAS SPECIALS  episode, and has an awe-inspiring resume. He's a two-time Grammy-nominated and Addy-winning freelance writer, editor, and producer with 30 years of magic with The Walt Disney Company and over 40 years of professional writing and production experience! He's the author of MOUSE TRACKS: THE STORY OF WALT DISNEY RECORDS, and the recent (and dare we say, timely) book... HANNA-BARBERA: THE RECORDED HISTORY- FROM MODERN STONE AGE TO MEDDLING KIDS. And be sure to check out his podcast, THE FUNTASTIC WORLD OF HANNA & BARBERA. Please welcome back the also funtastic... GREG EHRBAR!



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